COSP - The CFMIP (Cloud Feedbacks Model Intercomparison Project) Observation Simulator Package
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add MODIS joint histgram diagnostics #85

Closed caseywall7926 closed 6 months ago

caseywall7926 commented 6 months ago

We would like to add four new joint-histogram diagnostics to the MODIS simulator:

  1. CTP-COT joint histogram for liquid-topped clouds
  2. CTP-COT joint histogram for ice-topped clouds
  3. CWP-CER joint histogram for liquid-topped clouds
  4. CWP-CER joint histogram for ice-topped clouds

(CTP: cloud-top pressure; COT: cloud optical thickness; CWP: cloud water path; CER: cloud particle size)

These diagnostics correspond to the observational dataset from Pincus et al. 2023 ( Additionally, we would like to make several small changes to the histogram bin edges to match the data from Pincus et al.