Closed petrasvestartas closed 10 months ago
I am running polygonal surface reconstruction, the very first example, and I get just bunch of faces of a box, that is not the same as the input shape:
There are these little planes: file:
I check if the reconstruction failed or not, and it says there is no failure:
// Reconstruct surface using mixed-integer programming solver if (!algo.reconstruct<MIP_Solver>(model)) { std::cout << " Failed:..."; // std::cerr << " Failed: " << algo.error_message() << std::endl; }else{ std::cout << " Done. " << std::endl; }
#include "polygonal_surface_reconstruction.h" #include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h> #include <CGAL/property_map.h> #include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h> #include <CGAL/Shape_detection/Efficient_RANSAC.h> #include <CGAL/Polygonal_surface_reconstruction.h> #define CGAL_USE_SCIP #ifdef CGAL_USE_SCIP #include <CGAL/SCIP_mixed_integer_program_traits.h> typedef CGAL::SCIP_mixed_integer_program_traits<double> MIP_Solver; #elif defined(CGAL_USE_GLPK) #include <CGAL/GLPK_mixed_integer_program_traits.h> typedef CGAL::GLPK_mixed_integer_program_traits<double> MIP_Solver; #endif #if defined(CGAL_USE_GLPK) || defined(CGAL_USE_SCIP) #include <CGAL/Timer.h> #include <fstream> typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Kernel; typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point; typedef Kernel::Vector_3 Vector; typedef boost::tuple<Point, Vector, int> PNI; typedef std::vector<PNI> Point_vector; typedef CGAL::Nth_of_tuple_property_map<0, PNI> Point_map; typedef CGAL::Nth_of_tuple_property_map<1, PNI> Normal_map; typedef CGAL::Nth_of_tuple_property_map<2, PNI> Plane_index_map; typedef CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC_traits<Kernel, Point_vector, Point_map, Normal_map> Traits; typedef CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC<Traits> Efficient_ransac; typedef CGAL::Shape_detection::Plane<Traits> Plane; typedef CGAL::Shape_detection::Point_to_shape_index_map<Traits> Point_to_shape_index_map; typedef CGAL::Polygonal_surface_reconstruction<Kernel> Polygonal_surface_reconstruction; typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point> Surface_mesh; std::tuple<compas::RowMatrixXd, compas::RowMatrixXi> polygonal_surface_reconstruction_ransac( Eigen::Ref<const compas::RowMatrixXd> &P, Eigen::Ref<const compas::RowMatrixXd> &N) { // Convert Eigen matrix to a vector of CGAL points. int p = P.rows(); Point_vector points; for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { points.push_back(boost::tuple<Point, Vector, int>(Point(P.row(i)[0], P.row(i)[1], P.row(i)[2]), Vector(N.row(i)[0], N.row(i)[1], N.row(i)[2]), -1)); } std::cout << " Done. " << points.size() << std::endl; Efficient_ransac ransac; ransac.set_input(points); ransac.add_shape_factory<Plane>(); std::cout << "Extracting planes..."; ransac.detect(); Efficient_ransac::Plane_range planes = ransac.planes(); std::size_t num_planes = planes.size(); std::cout << " Done. " << num_planes << " planes extracted. " << std::endl; Point_to_shape_index_map shape_index_map(points, planes); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { int plane_index = get(shape_index_map, i); std::cout << "Point " << i << " is on plane " << plane_index << std::endl; points[i].get<2>() = plane_index; } std::cout << "Generating candidate faces..."; Polygonal_surface_reconstruction algo( points, Point_map(), Normal_map(), Plane_index_map()); Surface_mesh model; std::cout << "Reconstructing..."; if (!algo.reconstruct<MIP_Solver>(model)) { std::cerr << " Failed: " << algo.error_message() << std::endl; } Surface_mesh candidate_faces; algo.output_candidate_faces(candidate_faces); // Iterate faces of Surface_mesh and print vertices for (auto f : candidate_faces.faces()) { std::cout << "face " << f << ": "; for (auto v : vertices_around_face(candidate_faces.halfedge(f), candidate_faces)) { std::cout << v << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::size_t v = candidate_faces.number_of_vertices(); std::size_t f = candidate_faces.number_of_faces(); compas::RowMatrixXd V(v, 3); compas::RowMatrixXi F(f, 4); compas::Mesh::Property_map<compas::Mesh::Vertex_index, compas::Kernel::Point_3> location = candidate_faces.points(); for (compas::Mesh::Vertex_index vd : candidate_faces.vertices()) { V(vd, 0) = (double)location[vd][0]; V(vd, 1) = (double)location[vd][1]; V(vd, 2) = (double)location[vd][2]; } for (compas::Mesh::Face_index fd : candidate_faces.faces()) { int i = 0; for (compas::Mesh::Vertex_index vd : vertices_around_face(candidate_faces.halfedge(fd), candidate_faces)) { F(fd, i) = (int)vd; i++; } } std::tuple<compas::RowMatrixXd, compas::RowMatrixXi> result = std::make_tuple(V, F); return result; } void init_polygonal_surface_reconstruction(pybind11::module &m) { pybind11::module submodule = m.def_submodule("polygonal_surface_reconstruction"); submodule.def( "polygonal_surface_reconstruction_ransac", &polygonal_surface_reconstruction_ransac, pybind11::arg("P").noconvert(), pybind11::arg("N").noconvert()); }; #endif // defined(CGAL_USE_GLPK) || defined(CGAL_USE_SCIP)
it was model:
Issue Details
I am running polygonal surface reconstruction, the very first example, and I get just bunch of faces of a box, that is not the same as the input shape:
There are these little planes:
Source Code file:
I check if the reconstruction failed or not, and it says there is no failure:
I check if the reconstruction failed or not, and it says there is no failure: