CGAL / cgal

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create a list of third-party libraries along with the versions used on a specific platform. #8250

Open lrineau opened 4 weeks ago

lrineau commented 4 weeks ago

The first step of that task is to make sure our CMake scripts display information about which third-party libraries that are available, and which versions.

Then, in the testsuite scripts (collection of results, and creation of result pages), add a way to display all the available third-party libraries and versions for a platform.

lrineau commented 4 weeks ago

For information, here are all the calls to find_package, in CGAL (master) as of now:

[lrineau@fernand]~/Git/cgal-master% ack --no-filename --output='$1' --cmake 'find_package*\( *([^) ]+) ' -i ^build* | sort | uniq -c | sort -n  -r
    333 CGAL
     84 Eigen3
     39 Qt6
     30 TBB
     16 OpenMesh
     15 LEDA
     15 Boost
      7 GMP
      6 Threads
      6 SuiteSparse
      6 MPFI
      6 METIS
      5 VTK
      4 SCIP
      4 OSQP
      4 LASLIB
      4 GLPK
      3 OpenCV
      3 ITT
      3 Ceres
      2 ZLIB
      2 Qt
      2 OpenGR
      2 MPFR
      2 libpointmatcher
      2 ITK
      2 Doxygen
      2 benchmark
      1 RS3
      1 RS
      1 Python3
      1 nlohmann_json
      1 LibSSH
      1 IPE
      1 GMPXX
      1 F2C
      1 ESBTL

Certainly not all are interesting. Anyway, that is the full list.