When using the latest version of UMI_tools from conda, I got the below warning message -
/home/user/anaconda3/envs/umitools/lib/python3.10/site-packages/umi_tools/dedup.py:171: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function median at 0x7fbdd03d67a0> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.median. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "median" instead. agg_df = grouped.agg(agg_dict)
/home/user/anaconda3/envs/umitools/lib/python3.10/site-packages/umi_tools/dedup.py:171: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function sum at 0x7fbe106639a0> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead. agg_df = grouped.agg(agg_dict)
/home/user/anaconda3/envs/umitools/lib/python3.10/site-packages/umi_tools/dedup.py:171: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function median at 0x7fbdd03d67a0> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.median. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "median" instead. agg_df = grouped.agg(agg_dict)
/home/user/anaconda3/envs/umitools/lib/python3.10/site-packages/umi_tools/dedup.py:171: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function sum at 0x7fbe106639a0> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead. agg_df = grouped.agg(agg_dict)
/home/user/anaconda3/envs/umitools/lib/python3.10/site-packages/umi_tools/dedup.py:448: FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value 'Single_UMI' has dtype incompatible with int64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first. edit_distance_df['edit_distance'][0] = "Single_UMI"
While not exactly an error for now, it might lead to incompatibility with future versions of Pandas, so do have a look at it!
When using the latest version of UMI_tools from conda, I got the below warning message -
While not exactly an error for now, it might lead to incompatibility with future versions of Pandas, so do have a look at it!
Thanks, Karthik