If the base mesh density was too sparse in an area such that the desired number of segments by the user was higher than the raw derived contour, then the "simplified" contour would be returned as the raw contour.
The temporary fix was to lock the maximum segments to the number of segments in the raw contour with the least segments. In rare cases, this is an undesired limitation. Eg, if an area of a sculpt has been simplified by dyntopo because it is low in detail, this would force over simplified geometry in other parts of the re-topo mesh. Below a very simplistic example model
If the base mesh density was too sparse in an area such that the desired number of segments by the user was higher than the raw derived contour, then the "simplified" contour would be returned as the raw contour.
The temporary fix was to lock the maximum segments to the number of segments in the raw contour with the least segments. In rare cases, this is an undesired limitation. Eg, if an area of a sculpt has been simplified by dyntopo because it is low in detail, this would force over simplified geometry in other parts of the re-topo mesh. Below a very simplistic example model