The W3C OWL-Time alignment of GTS is currently managed in a separate graph.
This is unnecessarily coy.
The use of OWL-Time elements in the context of the Geological TImescale should be the preferred option.
Alternatives (such as RDF implementations of ISO 19108) should be a secondary option.
In order to reinforce this, the axioms relating to alignment with OWL-Time should be moved into the primary GTS graph.
The W3C OWL-Time alignment of GTS is currently managed in a separate graph. This is unnecessarily coy. The use of OWL-Time elements in the context of the Geological TImescale should be the preferred option. Alternatives (such as RDF implementations of ISO 19108) should be a secondary option.
In order to reinforce this, the axioms relating to alignment with OWL-Time should be moved into the primary GTS graph.