CGLemon / Sayuri

AlphaZero based engine for the game of Go (圍棋/围棋).
GNU General Public License v3.0
64 stars 7 forks source link

About the strength of sayuri #14

Open hope366 opened 7 months ago

hope366 commented 7 months ago

Hello, I just tried running sayuri with LizzieYzy. It worked, but it recommended a strange location. Both the analysis and the game are strange. Does that mean sayuri isn't strong enough yet? The engine commands used are: "Sayuri-v0.6.1-eigen-windows-x64.exe" -w zero-swa-2200k.bin.txt -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 無題 1無題

CGLemon commented 7 months ago

Looks like the engine is not success to load the weights. Please check the GTP shell diagnostic verbose. The picture is example.

Screenshot from 2023-12-04 23-11-38

cryptsport commented 7 months ago

@hope366 I'm OK, I started it like you (Sayuri-v0.6.1-eigen-windows-x64.exe, zero-swa-2200k.bin.txt, -t 1 -b 1 -p 400) Sayuri

hope366 commented 7 months ago

I don't know the specific method of "diagnosing with GTP shell". I started sayuri from the Windows command prompt, but it seems that an error occurred saying that the wait file could not be opened. What is the problem? 無題

cryptsport commented 7 months ago

@hope366 in the command prompt before zero-swa-2200k.bin.txt add <path>\

hope366 commented 7 months ago

@cryptsport Thank you. Your advice was very accurate. It seems to work properly after specifying the weight path as you said. 無題

hope366 commented 7 months ago

I tried again using the same engine commands as before and it seems to be working fine this time. I have no idea why it behaved abnormally last time. Engine command used "Sayuri-v0.6.1-eigen-windows-x64.exe" -w zero-swa-2200k.bin.txt -t 1 -b 1 -p 400 無題

CGLemon commented 7 months ago

If the weight and engine under the same directory, this command can load the weights successfully.

hope366 commented 7 months ago

It's working fine even if I put the engine and weight files in different folders. When I first tried it, I thought I placed it in the same folder, but the behavior was abnormal.