The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics equations. All development work and bug fixes should be based off the 'develop' branch, CGNS uses the branching model Gitflow.
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Build CGNS Utilities independent of X11/OpenGL #763

Open jphill4 opened 1 month ago

jphill4 commented 1 month ago

It appears that the CGNS utilities are nested under the CGNS_BUILD_CGNSTOOLS build flag which unconditionally looks for a graphics environment (X11, OpenGL, etc). However, these utilities (and the calclib dependency) build fine on their own and should be build-able without fetching all the dependencies needs for the GUI tools.

I'm happy to submit a patch for the CMake scripts to make this possible; already hacked this in, so it's not difficult. Does anyone have preferences between hoisting utilities out of the cgnstools directory (since they are functionally separable) vs. simply adding additional a new option+logic to the existing src/cgnstools/CMakeLists.txt? Are there any other such tools we should include in a non-GUI builds?

MicK7 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the proposal. I think in the long term we really need to have a separate package for the GUI things and not only a cmake option. Indeed the old OpenGL used with CGNS gui is getting deprecated on new HPC systems and if we also want to have apple support it will be a mess to do it in the main package. Concerning the mid/short term, your proposal is completely justified. I would be in favor of a separate "cgnsutilities" directory separate from "cgnstools" directory combined with cmake logic