CGuangyan-BIT / PointGPT

[NeurIPS 2023] PointGPT: Auto-regressively Generative Pre-training from Point Clouds
MIT License
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What is the difference between the different PointGPT-S models? #8

Closed m-a-x-c closed 9 months ago

m-a-x-c commented 9 months ago

Here are the different PointGPT-S models:

PointGPT-S Models

Task Dataset Config Acc. Download
Pre-training ShapeNet pretrain.yaml N.A. here
Classification ScanObjectNN finetune_scan_hardest.yaml 86.9% here
Classification ScanObjectNN finetune_scan_objbg.yaml 91.6% here
Classification ScanObjectNN finetune_scan_objonly.yaml 90.0% here
Classification ModelNet40(1k) finetune_modelnet.yaml 94.0% here
Classification ModelNet40(8k) finetune_modelnet_8k.yaml 94.2% here
Part segmentation ShapeNetPart segmentation 86.2% mIoU here

I thought all the classification models were trasfered to the ScanObjectNN dataset then evaluated against {OBJ_BG, OBJ_ONLY, PB_T50_RS, ModelNet40-1k, ModelNet40-8k}. So why is there five different links for classification models? Shouldn't there be only one link because they were all transfer learned on ScanObjectNN?

Please let me know where I have misunderstood. Thanks.

CGuangyan-BIT commented 9 months ago

We start by pretraining on ShapeNet to obtain pre-trained models, and then fine-tune them on various scenarios within different datasets to obtain network parameters for different tasks. Take ScanObjectNN, for instance; it comprises three distinct scenarios, with each scenario corresponding to a specific set of network parameters.

m-a-x-c commented 9 months ago

Thank you.