CH-Earth / summa

Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives:
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Fix/restart canopy ice #481

Closed wknoben closed 2 years ago

wknoben commented 2 years ago

Make sure all the relevant boxes are checked (and only check the box if you actually completed the step):

Test checkboxes n/a here since this affects restarts only.


Canopy ice content can occasionally go above zero for above-zero temperatures as a result of frost (negative sublimation) appearing on the canopy. In a regular run, this ice typically becomes liquid content on the next timestep (assuming temperature remains above zero). See figure for results from 28 years of half-hourly point-scale simulations, showing that this happens during regular simulations. A restart file created when both scalarCanopyIce > 0 and scalarCanopyTemp > 0 cannot be used to restart the run, because this condition is found in check_icond.f90 and the run gracefully exists.



The check is mainly in place to not allow the user to use unrealistic system states as initial conditions. Replacing the current graceful exit with a warning printed to screen retains similar functionality (user is aware of something being off - provided they check the log), while also allowing SUMMA to use its own restart files. In the current implementation, ice content up to 1E-3 is allowed (but flagged in the output log), whereas ice content above this threshold is still a reason for a graceful exit.

Test cases

Selected 1 day from the 28-year long run to investigate this issue further. Restart file generated on 2003-01-01 09:00 which matches the critical conditions of scalarCanopyIce > 0 and scalarCanopyTemp > 0. The short run up to restart file creation is identical to the 28-year run up to that point; see below. At this point:

On the following timestep, all remaining ice content becomes liquid and this remains in place until the liquid content goes up further on t = 20:30 h.


Case 1: restart file + regular SUMMA

As expected, the current implementation gracefully doesn't run.

Case 2: zero canopy ice + regular SUMMA

Setting scalarCanopyIce to 0 allows the run to start but leads to differences between the regular (long) run and the restarted run, because this artificially removes some water from the system. See below.


Case 3: restart file + modified SUMMA

After changes, SUMMA will notify the user that something needs checking:

Warning: canopy ice content in restart file (0.4763579693535316E-05) > 0 when canopy temperature > Tfreeze. Continuing.

but picks up from the restart file and the simulation proceeds as before. See below.


The unexpected difference between the long run and the restarted run at t = 20:00 h and t = 20:30 h is possibly related to variable precision. scalarCanopyLiq between long run and restarted run differ in order of magnitude of e-14 to e-13 before this point (scalarCanopyIce values are identical), which may be the cause of these differences. I don't think this is related to the code change but is a more generally related to how restart files are saved and used.

scalarCanopyLiq differences for the period 2003-01-01 09:30 to 2003-01-01 22:00: [ 4.83688237e-14], [ 7.48117897e-14], [ 9.54668710e-14], [ 1.09663395e-13], [ 1.18571253e-13], [ 1.24623781e-13], [ 1.28502033e-13], [ 1.30901178e-13], [ 1.32272187e-13], [ 1.33084567e-13], [ 1.33609771e-13], [ 1.33993237e-13], [ 1.34173232e-13], [ 1.34276440e-13], [ 1.34339499e-13], [ 1.34357162e-13], [ 1.34346957e-13], [ 1.34308945e-13], [ 1.34310946e-13], [ 1.34325587e-13], [ 1.34338748e-13], [ 1.87629619e-10], [-2.87366370e-09], [-7.17519483e-13], [-2.52301028e-14], [ 2.44843344e-14]

wknoben commented 2 years ago

Updated original comment with:

  1. Better understanding of what causes the canopy ice content to be > 0 for T > Tfreeze
  2. New implementation of the solution that allows small (< 1E-3) ice content values but still exits on ice content larger than this threshold
wknoben commented 2 years ago

Updated as requested. Example warning:

Warning: canopy ice content in restart file (=0.4763579693535316E-05) > 0 when canopy temperature (=273.449) > Tfreeze (=273.160). Continuing.

Example error (changed canIceTol for this example because that was quicker than modifying the restart file. canIceTol = 1e-3 in code):

summa_readRestart/check_icond/canopy ice (=0.4763579693535316E-05) > canIceTol (=0.100E-05) when canopy temperature (=273.449) > Tfreeze (=273.160)