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Emoji Adventrues #2

Open Extra-1 opened 3 years ago

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

014: :smiling_imp: You must kill inverse George Tv: :tv: Uhm how do I- -1: :black_circle: Yes quite remarkable isn’t it :tv: I’m just gonna go— :red_circle: Hold up! The end is near you know :smiling_imp: It’s true :tv: What happens in this so called “end” :smiling_imp: -1 and 014 will murder thousands with their bare hands :black_circle: Yes quite remarkable isn’t it :tv: Ok no thanks :radio_button: You can’t run you know :smiling_imp: You will be dismembered and turned into boxes for -1 to move to Texas :large_blue_circle: I hear it’s quite nice there at this time of year :red_circle: Your face will be if good use to me :tv: Hehe or instead of being dismembered I could help you dismember people? :imp: Hmm… :black_circle: HMMM… :imp::black_circle: HMMMMMM… :smiling_imp: Sure :black_circle: Yeah go ahead :tv: Can I kill +2 :black_circle: If you kill inverse George-1 :tv: How :imp: Well you see you’ll have to- +2: :white_large_square: You’re on the losing side you know :imp::hocho: BEGONE :black_large_square: …ow. :black_circle: Hehehehhehejshshssnshsj :white_square_button: Well bye see ya! :tv: Smh :imp: We really need to kill him before he makes a fool of himself in 2019 :black_circle: Yes it’s quite remarkable isn’t it :tv: At least he’s gone for now– 0714: :japanese_goblin: Did you just stab my creation >:( :smiling_imp: Yes :japanese_goblin: Hmmph :red_circle: Die :skull: Ow :tv: Smh lmao :black_circle: So anyway kill inverse George Rex: :large_blue_diamond: Can I help :tv: Didn’t you create +2 :small_blue_diamond:…maybe… :imp: No :red_circle: You will never be forgiven :large_blue_diamond: aw ok bye then :black_circle: So inverse George George: :purple_heart: What :radio_button: Inversion spell :green_heart: ǝɯ oʇ ǝuop noʎ ǝʌɐɥ ʇɐɥʍ :red_circle: Tv now! :tv: Pew pew :broken_heart: ʍo’’’ :large_blue_circle: Yes tv you did it! :smiling_imp: Good job :tv: … :desktop_computer: I have ascended

A mr.rex production

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

TV :tropical_fish: Petty: Ok quick we need another idea for this massacre thing so puny mortals will fear us :black_circle: -1: Quick quick :tropical_fish: I know this time if you touch us you die :black_circle: Good idea :dragon: Fearless: Nindroid what are you doing :tropical_fish: Fear me :dragon: I’m fearless :tropical_fish: Oh yeah :tv: :cup_with_straw::door::boom: Tv: HeY YaLL I JUst kICKed DOwN tHAt dOor HAhaHaHa! :tropical_fish: Get it away :tv::door: Who wants a free door :black_circle: That sounds nice :tropical_fish: cool :dragon: Nindroid can you be Nindroid again :tropical_fish: who :dragon: ok bye :tropical_fish::wave: K :tv::cup_with_straw: sO :tropical_fish: Get away :black_circle: This situation is quite remarkable

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv :tv: Tv: I have now killed inverse Washington I’m cool now :tropical_fish: Petty: No :tv: oK :((( :black_circle: -1: you’re cool in my book :tv: this is why -1 is better than Petrichor :tropical_fish: what did you just say :tv: I love you :tropical_fish: . :tropical_fish: . :tropical_fish: how do I respond :black_circle: Remarkable.

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

TV :small_orange_diamond: Rex: Tv I’m gonna die soon cause I created +2 :tv::cup_with_straw:Tv: Uh huh. :small_orange_diamond: So I just wanted to say :tv::cup_with_straw: SLURP :small_orange_diamond: Are you listening to me :tv::cup_with_straw: Yep :small_orange_diamond: I just wanted to say :tv::cup_with_straw: SLURP :small_orange_diamond: Are you doing this on :tv::cup_with_straw: Yes :small_orange_diamond: you didn’t even let me :tv::cup_with_straw: Yep :small_orange_diamond: Can I have a sip :tv::cup_with_straw: Petty can i execute Rex :tropical_fish: Petty: As long as he’s dead sure :tv::cup_with_straw: it’s my juice.

Never take a Tv’s Nindy Juice

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv :tropical_fish: All of you obey me :small_orange_diamond: Ok :raised_hand: Everyone: obeys :tv: Can I hug you :tropical_fish: No :tv: Can I bow to you :tropical_fish: Yes :tv: Can i obey and hug you :tropical_fish: do the first :tv: but what if I want both :tropical_fish: then you will die :tv: cool :tropical_fish: Lol :tv: why are you laughing at me dying :tropical_fish: cause :tv: this is why fearless doesn’t like you anymore :tropical_fish: yeah they do :dragon: nah :tropical_fish: oh :tv::dark_sunglasses: whose lol’ing now

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Nindroid From point of view of immortals lake place

:tropical_fish: Petty: It’s Here, you better watch out :see_no_evil: :black_circle: -1: Yes you are all monkeys :tropical_fish: It’s Here :black_circle: It’s Here :tropical_fish: It’s Also Here :black_circle: I made game no one can escape :tropical_fish: No one can escape :tv: Tv: I found esape :tropical_fish: Oh :black_circle: It’s Here :tv: Hey what?

:tropical_fish: It’s Here :black_circle: Fly You Fools :tropical_fish: Watch out everywhere :bowing_woman: Lisa: FLY YOU FOOLS :tropical_fish: There is no escape :black_circle: It’s Here :black_circle: It’s Here :black_circle: It’s Here H tht: Hits bann button

:tropical_fish: You missed me :tropical_fish: ok :black_circle: I’m hiding

:tropical_fish: Beware the 2019 :tv: Oh? :tropical_fish: Yes beware must warn nations :tv: Huh? :tropical_fish: Yes we destroy everything :black_circle: We destroy everything

:tropical_fish: Hey look what I can do :black_circle: What’s that :tropical_fish: I can now do double tricks :black_circle: That’s twice as many as before :tropical_fish: I know that :black_circle: Guess where I live :tropical_fish: Puddle :black_circle: In puddle

:tropical_fish: 2019 coming soon :black_circle: So soon

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Nindroid :billed_cap: Quick you cannot see me :tv: You’re just Jonny in a hat :billed_cap: No I’m not :tv: No it is you :billed_cap: No it’s not :tv: Yes it is :billed_cap: ratos

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv :tv: guys it’s jonny :duck: you have caught me I am a duck

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Nindroid :duck: But now I am sinister duck

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv :tv: oh golly gee

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv :tv::cup_with_straw: : im tirebbbbbbbbb

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Nindroid :black_circle: Hello Friends :duck: Oh yes hello :bowing_woman: Fly you FOOLS :billed_cap: This is fun :black_circle: Oh yes so great to have friends :canoe: This is best conversation :space_invader: I know It’s favorite

:tv: Sure, what’s all your names then

:billed_cap: I am secret hat boy :duck: I am sinister duck boy :canoe: I am canoe boy come ride in canoe :jack_o_lantern: I am Pumpkin boy don’t eat me :robot: I am discobot boy not human though :see_no_evil: I am Jeffery boy just regular person :bowing_woman: I am Lisa and will press bann button :black_circle: I am -1 boy here to stay :radio_button: Hi I am NindroidGarnes

:tv: yeah

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :smiling_imp: So what are we gonna do today :black_circle: We could hack all of the puny mortals :smiling_imp: Good idea :tv::tropical_drink::sweat_drops: hEy gUYs cHEcK tHiS oUt spills drink all over 014 and -1 :imp: … :white_circle: …what is this? :tv::tropical_drink: iTs nInDY jUiCe aHa :white_circle: Nindy… What??? :tv::tropical_drink: hehehehshjsksjskj iZ nAmED aFtR yOu pEtTy :tropical_fish: Me? :tv::tropical_drink: yEh :black_circle: Wait… If he’s here… :white_circle: …who’s he??? :imp: …uhhhhhhh :tropical_fish: Expose yourself, puny mortal :imp: UHHHHHHH :radio_button: Exposure spell!! :white_medium_square: …… :red_circle: is that… :tv::tropical_drink: wHAT ThE beeeeep?!?!? :white_medium_small_square: ulp :tv::dash::tropical_drink: throws glass at +2 gET ThE HEcK OUt OF HeRE “ÜÚ BÆKHĒR”!!! :black_square_button: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :tropical_fish::black_circle: … :black_circle: Why do you let her act this way :tropical_fish: shrugs

A Mr.rex Production

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :tv: 2019 is in only 30 days :large_blue_diamond: Dang what will I do then :tv: Run. :large_blue_diamond: Will you help me :tv: Petrichor should I help him :tropical_fish: No :large_blue_diamond: I knew you were going to say that :tv: Meh :large_blue_diamond: Am I gonna die tv :tv: Probably :tropical_fish: Yes :tv: What he said :large_blue_diamond: Well tv, if I do die, I figure I should tell you… :large_blue_diamond: …I read your fish diary and sent it to petty :tv: what. :tropical_fish: Yeah, good times grabs sword :large_blue_diamond: I don’t wanna die tv :gun::desktop_computer::hocho: T h e n r u n.

A mr.rex production @SarcasticTvHead @Petrichor @JonnyGamer I’m gonna try to do these daily leading up to 2019

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Tv and Rex :tv: Say whatever happened to Jonny :large_blue_diamond: I think he… :tv: He? :large_blue_diamond: He- hmm… :large_blue_diamond: What did happen to him? :tv: yeah and where’s -1? :tropical_fish: uhhh idk :tv: are you lying to me :large_blue_diamond: Petty what did you do to him :tropical_fish: Er :large_blue_diamond: Petty. :tropical_fish: What :tropical_fish: Um I gtg bye :large_blue_diamond: Pettyyyyy :tv: Pettttttyyyyyy :large_blue_diamond::tv: Peeeeeeetttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy :tv: Oh petty :tropical_fish: what :tv: i thought you said you had to leave :tropical_fish: I got bored :tv: after 3 seconds of leaving? :tropical_fish: maybe :tv: did you ki.ll Jonny and -1 :tropical_fish: what makes you think that :tv: He disappeared at the same time you went on a trip, and you’ve been acting really weird lately :large_blue_diamond: Oh my gosh he killed him :tropical_fish: ummm :tv: petty why :tropical_fish: shut u.p :large_blue_diamond: I thought we were friends petty :tropical_fish: Shut. Up. Also you’re not my friend :tv: but i am :large_blue_diamond:. :((( :tropical_fish: I am going to mur.der you if you don’t shut it :tv: Lol :tropical_fish: It’s not a joke :tv: are you gonna throw a little tantrum :tropical_fish: Stop :large_blue_diamond: Um are you- :tropical_fish: Run. :tv: I love u :tropical_fish::hocho: thanks :large_blue_diamond: wait don’t :large_blue_diamond::skull_and_crossbones: Oww :tv: u can’t ki.ll me :tropical_fish::hocho: why not :tv: cause u love me :tropical_fish::hocho: no I DONT :tv: ok :(… :tv: one last thing before I die :tropical_fish::hocho: what :tv: happy it’s in your arms :tropical_fish: you know what nvm

Collab with Rex and Me

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex Four years ago… :tropical_fish: yawn ah what am I gonna do today :whale2: Petrichor’s mom: you run for president today, remember? :tropical_fish: Oh yeah, thanks mom :whale2: No ppproblemmmm Later… :tropical_fish: And to conclude, obey me puny mortals. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :thinking: Jonny: hey, I’m definitely voting for you :tropical_fish: Thanks, what’s your name? :thinking: Jonny, but call me -1 :tropical_fish: -1… Could it be…? :tropical_fish: The one from the prophecy? :thinking: Say what now :tropical_fish: The prophecy speaks of a -1 who will join 014 :thinking: 014? :tropical_fish: 014 is a great being akin to myself :thinking: Quite remarkable, isn’t this prophecy :tropical_fish: Truly. :iphone: HEY WILL YOU SIGN MY FACE :tropical_fish: Sure. :tropical_fish::black_nib: “fishy” :iphone: Wow… Thanks sir! :tropical_fish: No problem, kid :thinking: So anyway, let’s discuss this prophecy over a cup of tea tommorow :tropical_fish: Sounds good, see ya -1 :thinking: Bye!

A mr.rex production. Idk why I keep putting this here

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :tropical_fish: (When is he gonna get here?) :black_circle: Hey, sorry I’m late :tropical_fish: Who are you :black_circle: I’m Jonny. This is my secret disguise. It’s what I call -1 :tropical_fish: Okay :tropical_fish: So :black_circle: About this prophecy :tropical_fish: It’s an ancient text that has been compiled from ciphers in every one THT’s projects :black_circle: Neato :tropical_fish: It says that 014 and -1 will wreck havoc on hopscotch. :black_circle: Quite remarkable :tropical_fish: Yes I- wait. :tropical_fish: Someone’s listening. :black_circle: Who :tropical_fish: shuts door well it doesn’t matter now :black_circle: K :iphone: Dang… :tropical_fish: So anyway, the prophecy… I think… :tropical_fish: …it’s here :tropical_fish: Tell them all. I must go. :black_circle: Okay. :tropical_fish: Byeeeee vanishes :red_circle: Everyone! It’s here! -1! :red_circle: Spread the word, it’s here! Meanwhile… :police_car: It appears they are beginning to arouse fear. :radio: … :police_car: I’ve got my best eyes on them :radio: . :police_car: Yeah, I’ll do that. Over.

A production.

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :police_car: They appear to be obsessing over the words “it’s here”… :bust_in_silhouette: Did you try to stop them? :police_car: N-no m-milord :bust_in_silhouette: Why not? :police_car: Th-that kid got in my way… :bust_in_silhouette: Kid…? :police_car: The little screen kid :bust_in_silhouette: Whatever. Find their location and send troops there. I want them gone. :police_car: Y-yes sire :police_car: Let’s go, let’s go! :police_car::black_flag::triangular_flag_on_post::white_flag::black_flag::triangular_flag_on_post::white_flag: To trending city! Meanwhile… :black_circle::loud_sound: ATTENTION ALL PERFORMERS AND CITIZENS OF TRENDING CITY! IT’S HERE! :tropical_fish::loud_sound: The prophecy speaks that this time would come. The world is now prepared for the end! :black_circle::loud_sound: IN FIVE YEARS, THE END IS DESTINED TO COME. :police_car: (What are they doing…) :police_car: … :triangular_flag_on_post::black_flag::white_flag: … :police_car: Attack! :white_flag::black_flag::triangular_flag_on_post: Yessir! :thinking: (Did I hear something…?) :tropical_fish: The world is- :triangular_flag_on_post::white_flag::tropical_fish::black_flag: OW! HEY, GET OFF! :radio_button: Repulsion spell! :black_flag::red_circle::white_flag: FOOLS! :white_flag::black_flag::tropical_fish::triangular_flag_on_post::red_circle::white_flag::black_flag: :white_circle: …we’re surrounded :iphone::boom::black_flag::white_flag::triangular_flag_on_post: HIIIIYA! :triangular_flag_on_post::black_flag::white_flag::boom::iphone: HA! :tropical_fish: Did that kid just- :iphone: You’re welcome jumps out of view :tropical_fish: Who are you? :police_car: … :radio_button: Attraction spell! :police_car: hovers towards petrichor :tropical_fish: Who. Are you? :police_car: I’ll never tell you, troll! :tropical_fish: You can call me a troll all you want, I won’t let you go. :radio_button: Truth spell! :police_car: I-I’m Aariv. I s-serve under the great lord! :tropical_fish: Who is this great lord. :police_car: I- I don’t know :tropical_fish: TELL ME. :radio_button: Truth spell enhance! :police_car: I don’t know! :tropical_fish: Where’s your base? :police_car: I-in the f-forum! :tropical_fish: Hm. :tropical_fish: Let him free. He can’t hurt us. :police_car: Oof :tropical_fish: Flee and take your flags with you :triangular_flag_on_post::black_flag::white_flag::police_car: Ok byeeeeee :black_circle: So petty I was thinking :tropical_fish: Yeah :black_circle: We should make a book out of the prophecy and our adventures :tropical_fish: What should we call it :tropical_fish: Wait I know. Shy insta aurora lee. :black_circle: What did you just say? CHEINSTTROARLY? :tropical_fish: Yep :black_circle: Coolio, let’s do it. :white_circle: Revealing spell! :thinking: K I gotta go, see you :tropical_fish: See ya, I’m gonna go terrorize some puny mortals :smiling_imp: I look forward to writing that book! :smiling_imp: IN 2015 YOU ALL WILL DIE :family_man_woman_girl_boy: Oh no. We’re all so scared :smiling_imp: MORTALS!!!

A mr.rex.

@SarcasticTvHead @Petrichor @JonnyGamer still hoping you’ll be able to come on somehow

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :bust_in_silhouette: How did it go? :police_car: W-we lost… :bust_in_silhouette: WHAT? :police_car: Th-they overpowered us and- :bust_in_silhouette: Say no more. :bust_in_silhouette: I understand… I understand :police_car: Whew :bust_in_silhouette: YOU ARE USELESS. :triangular_flag_on_post::black_flag::white_flag::police_car::white_flag::black_flag::triangular_flag_on_post: Wh-whoa hey let go of me! :police_car: Ow… Did I just get kicked out? :police_car: HEY!! LET ME BACK IN!!! :bust_in_silhouette: I am going now. :police_car: To where? :bust_in_silhouette: … :bust_in_silhouette: …privacy first. beams away :police_car: …well shoot Meanwhile… :tropical_fish: So -1, ready to start that book? :black_circle: Sure :tropical_fish: Before we start, I’ve been meaning to ask you something :black_circle: What :tropical_fish: Did you know that kid? :black_circle: Nope. Do you think they know we’re a part of the prophecy? :tropical_fish: I don’t know :black_circle: They seem pretty young… How did they manage to beat up those troops? :tropical_fish: :pencil2: That aside, let’s start the book. :black_circle: … :black_circle: …There is a person who once existed. He created -1. And -1 was the world. -1 is the world. -1 is all. Soon afterwards, these two, Petrichor and -1, grew bored of there being only two people. So -1 created something. Something small. Something puny. He created mortals. :tropical_fish: :pencil2: That’s great off the top of your head. :black_circle: Thanks… These mortals lacked the omnipotence of their creator, and of their creator’s creator. -1 provided for them all they needed. Even a computer. However, this computer had small memory. The first Apple computer had just one byte. Then everything crashed. Soon, the creators slept for many thousands of years. :tropical_fish: I think that’s a good start. :tropical_fish::pencil2: The mortals– Distant boom :tropical_fish: …did you hear that? :black_circle: looks through window It came from forum town! Later, in forum town… :white_circle: What’s going on?? :question:MysticRed: Attention, I come in peace! :question: I speak as a messenger for the great +2! :tropical_fish: (+2?) :question: The prophecy states that +2 will overthrow -1 and 014! :question: Come with me, my friends, and you can have eternal life with +2! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :black_circle: +2? Overthrow? Eternal life? Utter cow rubbish. :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom: :family_man_woman_girl_boy::family_man_woman_girl_boy::family_man_woman_girl_boy: AHHHHHH :white_circle: What’s happening?! :tropical_fish: Run. :iphone: … :white_circle: … :tropical_fish::white_circle::dash::dash::dash: :boom:

A mr.rex with a little bit of tv helping

@SarcasticTvHead @Petrichor @JonnyGamer ,’/

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :red_circle: FOOLS! IT’S COMING :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: Um what :tropical_fish: To cause death and obliteration! :red_circle: To spread fear throughout the nation! :smiling_imp: 014! :black_circle: -1! :tv: t-ttvv~ :black_circle: (How did she get here?) :imp: (I don’t know) :black_circle: (Let’s just keep going with it) :smiling_imp::black_circle: Together we are… :smiling_imp::black_circle: TEAM- :tv: teAm fIsHy hehehehehahbhsbshssb :black_circle: what :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: boi we ain’t scared of you :white_circle: XSE! GET OVER HERE! :x: … :x: uhhh :red_circle: See him, folks? He’s the WORST troll to ever have been on hopscotch! :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: cough :x: (…can I go home now?) :white_circle: (No. Do something trolly.) :x: HECK :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: …? :police_car: Excuse you sir, this is a christian server! :x: … :x: I HATE ALL Y’ALL :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: …??? :x: LOOK AT THIS WEBSITE :zap::skull::family_man_woman_girl_boy::apple: ew :x: PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILNESSES ARE NOT PEOPLE :policeman:t2: yo what the heck :x: RAWR XD :policeman:t2: i hate you :x: OOGABOOGABOOGA :policeman:t2: !!! :white_circle: See that folks?! That’s only a fraction of the power of 2019 :red_circle::banana::dash: !!! :red_circle: WHO JUST THREW THAT?! :tropical_fish: … :tv::banana: Do you see banana man :tropical_fish: No :tv::banana: Hopping around on de hot white sand :tropical_fish: Tv no :tv::banana: Here he come with one for me :tropical_fish: Why :tv::banana: Freshly taken from banana tree :tropical_fish: Kms :notes::dancer:t2::monkey::banana::desktop_computer::banana::monkey::dancer:t2::notes: DO YOU WANT A BANANA? PEEL IT DOWN AND GO MM-MM-MM-MM :white_circle: Where did she get BACKUP DANCERS? And MONKEYS?! :tropical_fish: Smh

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

Rex :tropical_fish::hocho: Die :large_blue_diamond: No :tropical_fish::hocho: Smh :large_blue_diamond: You can’t kill me :tropical_fish::hocho: Sure I can :tv::wrench: If he can’t I can anyways :large_blue_diamond: Try :zap::wrench::tv::wrench::zap: Here we go :tropical_fish::hocho: Stabby :white_circle: Unnamed but probably dangerous spell! :small_blue_diamond: … :large_orange_diamond: WAIT! :tv::tropical_fish::black_circle: …? :large_blue_diamond::page_with_curl: Y- you’re in violation of THESE rules! :tropical_fish::page_with_curl: … :tropical_fish::page_with_curl: …did you write these? :large_orange_diamond: Y-yeah? :tropical_fish: I like it. Welcome to the team. :large_orange_diamond: W-wait really?? :tropical_fish: Yep. Here’s your PATTY LICENSE. :tv: Yo welcome to the dark side lmao :black_circle: I knew you could do it :tv: happy birthday :small_blue_diamond:…what. :tv: lol jk :large_blue_diamond: lol ok :tropical_fish: so what should we do first :large_blue_diamond: …advertise the new rules!!! :tropical_fish: Yeah what could go wrong Later :police_car: Weeyoo weeyoo weeyoo weeyoo weeyoo :bust_in_silhouette: This topic is useless and against the guidelines I’m reporting you :tropical_fish: Ma’am please I- :pouting_woman:t2: She’s right you know :black_circle: This is all- :tv: Lol what’s happening :large_blue_diamond: aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :large_blue_diamond: AHHHHHHHHHHH :tv::telephone_receiver: Hello 911 please help :bust_in_silhouette: LETS OVERTHROW -1 :large_blue_diamond: bye :woman:t4::lock: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE Later :tv: Lol what was that :tropical_fish:…they took down the topic. :tv: so sad what will we do with Rex’s rules now :tropical_fish: …let’s just use them when needed :tv: …where is rex anyway? :japanese_goblin: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh :tv: Lol

Extra-1 commented 3 years ago

PETRICHIR :dragon: Where’s Rex lol

:tropical_fish: Idk

:tv: Beats me

:+1:t2: hhhhhey

:tv: No

:+1:t2: +2

:tropical_fish: Di.e

:red_circle: FOOL! By uttering that accursed you have revived the wrath of -1!

:tv: Oml it’s -1

:black_circle: Yes, it’s quite remarkable, isn’t it?

:tv: I’m gonna di.e

:black_circle: dont

:tv: Where have you been?!

:large_blue_circle: In the lands of Klorkereth. I brought back this mysterious spirit I found.

:diamonds: Hey

:tv: what-

:+1:t2: I’m still here

:tropical_fish::tv::black_circle: NO

:tv: Fearless, you can arrest him, right?

:dragon::rotating_light: On it

:+1:t2: Noooooooo

:radio_button: hEY y’aLl I’m joNNy

:dragon: Yeah, we kinda knew that

:radio_button: iiiiiIIIIIiiIiIiII’mM jJonNY

:tv: Dude are you ok

:radio_button: hehehhssbbddh iM joNny

:tropical_fish: His sheer power got to him. I knew this would happen eventually.

:radio_button: i’M jOn- j- J- i- HEUGHK-

:tv: Ew dude, gross

:black_circle: acK- huff-

:white_circle: Hwat just happened?

:dragon: That wasn’t you?

:black_circle: No

:red_circle: I must have been…

:radio_button: hAccEd

:red_circle: aaaaAAAAAAAA-


:diamonds: ‘ekrkr0 eolery0spe ihl hl Ehhhh Dy Ehhhh e x

:black_circle: Guys.

:tv: What?

:black_circle: The hacker plays tennis.

:tropical_fish: How’d you know that?

:black_circle: I can feel it.

:large_blue_circle: Tennnissssssss…

:tv: Yeah I think either way he’s crazy

:question: This message is for your eyes only, Jonny.

:white_circle: HEY GUYS READ THIS

:diamonds: (Smh)

:tv: Oh yeaaahhhhh

:tv: Him lol

:black_circle: (What’s she talking about?)

:large_blue_circle: Wait! I know! It’s mr-

:large_blue_diamond: Hi lol

:black_circle: I was gonna say MrHotog64 but that works too

:tv::cup_with_straw: hhxhEY reCKSSSSS

:tropical_fish: Did you just steal a cup of Nindy Juice when we weren’t looking?

:tv: mmmmmmAYBe

:dragon: Tv no! They don’t make those anymore

:tv: hshehsjshshsshHEEHEHHEHE

:black_circle: Go on tv, you need to sleep

:tv: nAnI?!?!

:black_circle: No, my name’s Jonny