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Race #6

Open Extra-1 opened 2 years ago

Extra-1 commented 2 years ago

What if.. the entrance to Mt. Uber is not known yet! Until a coin spot has been visited N times. And the coin spot moves randomly upon each visit. Goal: you’re all racing to Mt. Uber, here’s a problem, Nobody knows how to get there. You have to work together to find it, but then race-o-race to get their first :)


Super Robot - Due to being super stressed out, Super Robot walks extraordinarily fast. Allowed to move up, down, left, or right, but you must keep moving until you bump something. To enter Mt. Uber, you must have 3 relics, one of them must be The Robot Relic. If you land on a space adjacent to a rock, you can move it to any white empty space on the board.

King - Due to the fact that you are the king, you are the only player to have a movement die. Roll it and it will tell you how many spaces you can move. You may move that many tiles, even diagonally, in whatever manner seems fit. During a battle, the king can choose to swap battle dice results. How fair. To enter Mt. Uber, you must have 5 relics, but you also cannot be holding The Robot Relic. No no.

Knight Esquire - You May hop 1 by 2 spaces, just like a true valiant knight. You may not land on water, since knight’s be afraid of water pirates. Knight’s receive 1 less point in battle, as well as lose ties, since they are so chivalry. Knight needs 2 relics to win, but also must make sure everyone else has more relics than he, before victory.

Simple Folk - The simple folk has a very unsimple move, you can move exactly 2 spaces in an organizational direction. Have lots of fun with that. Simple Folk needs 4 relics to win. If nobody has relics yet, then Simple Folk can also enter Mt. Uber for a simple decisive victory..!...!..! Simple Folk can also turn pirate by swimming in water, you lose all your relics, but you also get the Pirate Relic.

5th Player - The fifth player was included in the game because we didn’t want anyone feeling left out. The fifth player can move as any character, but just remember to thank the person your pretending to be. The Fifth Player must obtain 5 relics, plus another 5 relics to enter Mt. Uber. So much fun it’s a challenge”s

... adventure cards ...

Destroy the Rock Card - Destory any one rock and replace it with the gem relic. Guess it was hiding inside or something.

Swooped away by Flying Torti. Large torti flew down from the sky and found you. They whisked you away to some place unknown, (go to the cloud tile).

Everlasting Rule - Extra Finger! Your hand is so big it is now Allowed to Carry 4 cards in hand.

Drop All The Relics. Thunder Rainstorm Make everyone drop 1 Relic. But you drop all your relics. Ohh.

Mt. Uber does not wish to be climbed. Anyone on the Mt. Uber spit gets sad and goes back home. Phew.

A goat is sitting next to a campfire? Do you... Speaks with a happy goat? or... Play smacks with a less happy goat? See Rule #1111 for details.

A Bush is Rustling. Do you peek inside!!!... See Rule #692 for details.

You have control over rocks! Move all rocks adjacently 1 space. If they land on someone, oh well for them.

Palm tree drops a coconut. When you open the coconut you found a coin. Gain 1 Coin.

A frog leaps out and battles you. Battle it out! If you lose, all of your relics get sent home. If you win, obtain the Frog Relic!

Everlasting Power - The grass sword. Gain 3 additional battle points whenever you please. The grass sword is very swift, since it is made of grass.

A fake Relic. Obtain the fake relic. only that it doesn’t actually count as a relic. That’s so mean. ((((In the rule book there should be an ability to turn the fake relic into a real one))))

It is now night time. Make a wish by placing the star relic on home base.

A merchant visits your path. You can buy a Relic for the price of 10 coins. Victory!

Everlasting Power - When you win a battle you get a coin. But if you lose a battle, they get 2 coins.

If you can correctly guess the next number in the sequence you get a Smarts Relic. See Rule 383

Ask another player if it looks like they are having a good time. Based upon their answer (steal a relic) ua hahaha (or just place a relic on the board..)

Ask the player with the most relics if they are feeling safe. Based upon their answer, deposit all their relics into home to make them more safe. If no one has relics, sent the king home because it’s nap time.

Because the shape of the moon, it is almost time for harvest. Become more excited while you gain 1 coin