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Spiderman 3 #9

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Spider-Man 3 Script This is a transcript of Spider-Man 3 as it appears in the film.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's me, Peter Parker. Your friendly neighborhood... you know. I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider. Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. Now...

Kid #1: Wow, look, it's Spider-Man!

Kid #2: Super cool!

Kid #3: Spider-Man!

Kid #4: Wow!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: People really like me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, stick around! It's gonna start again in a couple minutes.

Kid #2: Nah...

Kid #1: That's OK.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: The city is safe and sound. Guess I've had something to do with that. My uncle Ben would be proud. I still go to school, top of my class.

Curt Connors: Now, the Hamiltonian shows us that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field. From the form of this matrix, we can see...? Miss Stacy?

Gwen Stacy: That only the m=0 quantum states are affected.

Curt Connors: Correct! Good work, Miss Stacy. Parker. You got something to add?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, sir.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: And I'm in love with the girl of my dreams.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hi. Um, Miss Watson left a ticket for me? Peter Parker.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Excuse me. Sorry. Thank you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's my girlfriend!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry! I need to talk to you. Explain things.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Tell it to my father. Raise him from the dead.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm your friend, Harry. I cared about your father.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: MJ!

Mary Jane Watson: Peter!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Congrats!

Mary Jane Watson: Was I good?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Good? You were great. You were...

Mary Jane Watson: You say great? I love my flowers. They're beautiful. And those are from Harry. Was he here tonight?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah, I ran into him outside.

Mary Jane Watson: What's with you guys anyway?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's complicated.

Mary Jane Watson: Tell me again, was I really good? I was so nervous. My knees were shaking.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Your knees were fine.

Mary Jane Watson: The applause was not very loud.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yes, it was. It's the acoustics. It's all about diffusion. It keeps the sound waves from grouping. You see, when the sound waves, they propagate, then it's like an...

Mary Jane Watson: You are such a nerd.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Did you see that one?

Mary Jane Watson: You know what? I'd like to sing on stage for the rest of my life with you in the first row.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'll be there.

Mary Jane Watson: Tell me you love me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I love you. I love you so much.

Mary Jane Watson: I always have.

Emma Marko: You can't hide here, Flint.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I'm just here to see my daughter.

Emma Marko: You are an escaped convict. The cops are looking for you. You're not getting near her. You're nothing but a common thief. You maybe even killed a man.

Flint Marko/Sandman: It wasn't even like that. Wasn't. I had good reason for what I was doing. And that's the truth.

Emma Marko: You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I live in a prison. It's a great truth.

Emma Marko: And that is the truth that you left behind. Right there in that bedroom.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I missed you.

Penny Marko: I missed you too, Daddy.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I promise I'll make you healthy again. Whatever it takes. I'll get the money.

Emma Marko: You get out of here. Now.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.

May Parker: Peter, what is it?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's MJ... I'm gonna ask her to marry me!

May Parker: Oh, Peter! Oh!

May Parker: The day that uncle Ben asked me to marry him, he was so scared and excited. And very young. And I loved him so fiercely.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Then you said yes, right?

May Parker: No. I wanted to say yes, but I said no. I wasn't ready, neither was he. So we took our time. Looked forward to it. Didn't want to run into something with nothing to count on but love. A man has to be understanding and put his wife before himself. Can you do that, Peter?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah. I think I can.

May Parker: Then you have my blessing. I hope you've considered a proper proposal. Your uncle had it all planned. He took me to the beach one Sunday. He was a knockout in his bathing suit. And I, I didn't look too bad myself. We were very good swimmers. It was a beautiful day, and he said: "Let's swim to the island." And at the island, we found a perfect spot by an old tree, and we lay down and looked up at the sky. And then he said, "Close your eyes, May." And I did. And then he said, "Open them." And I did. And he was holding this ring. Dazzling, in front of me. I thought it was the sun. We'd be married 50 years come August... if... So. I hope you make it very special for Mary Jane. Do something she'll never forget. Give her this.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Come on.

May Parker: Take it.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You knew this was coming, Pete.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Listen to me! I didn't kill your father! He was trying to kill me. He killed himself.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Shut up!

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I'm still here, Peter!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hate those things.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry. Harry. Harry! Oh my God. Harry! Come on! God!

Neil Garrett: Captain Stacy.

George Stacy: What's this?

Neil Garrett: Flint Marko, the guy we tied to the Ben Parker homicide.

George Stacy: What about him?

Neil Garrett: He just broke out of Rikers.

George Stacy: And?

Neil Garrett: He's on the run. He's in the marshlands. I think we got him.

Policeman #1: There he is!

Policeman #1: Euton, take the west side. Tommy, take the east.

Policeman #2: Where'd he go?

Test Site Technician #1: That's it. It's charged.

Test Site Technician #2: Right.

Test Site Technician #3: Donnie, we got a little fluctuation on 1. There's a change in the silicon mass.

Test Site Technician #4: It's probably a bird. It'll fly away when we fire it up. Initiating demoleculisation.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: How is he?

Emergency Room Doctor: He's gonna be okay. But there's been some memory impairment. Particularly his short-term memory. Right now, he can't remember the accident or anything that happened to him recently.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Is it permanent?

Emergency Room Doctor: It could be. Only time will tell. He's awake if you want to see him.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Uh maybe I should wait.

Emergency Room Doctor: Nah, it's fine. Just keep it brief. Allow him to rest.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, buddy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hit my head.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Harry OSborn/New Goblin: Doctor said I was in an accident. Hit and run. I don't remember much of anything. My father... he died, right?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: This is all so weird.

Mary Jane Watson: Hi. I got here as fast as I could.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I know that face.

Mary Jane Watson: How are you doing?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I don't know. Last thing I remember, I was falling... somewhere.

Mary Jane Watson: You're still fine. We love you, Harry.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: It feels like somehow I've been gone for a really long time. Now I'm back home.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's good to have you back.

Nurse: I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to scoot, okay?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay.

Nurse: All right, thank you.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah, great.

Mary Jane Watson: I think he's gonna be fine.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Think so.

Mary Jane Watson: And you guys seem great.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Nurse: You have lovely friends.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: My best friends. I'd give my life for them.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah?

Mary Jane Watson: It's me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh! Hey!

Mary Jane Watson: You know I can't open the door. It's stuck again? Come on and help me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm coming.

Mary Jane Watson: The review.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh!

Mary Jane Watson: The hated it. They hated me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Well, they can't hate you.

Mary Jane Watson: "The young Miss Watson is a pretty girl. Easy on the eyes, but not on the ears. Her small voice didn't carry past the first row."

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: That's ridiculous. I was right there.

Mary Jane Watson: You were in the first row.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah, but that's... Listen. You were great. That's a critic. This is something you're gonna have to get used to. Believe me, I know. Spider-Man gets attacked all the time.

Mary Jane Watson: This isn't about you. It's about me. It's about my career.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I know, and I'm just saying, you can't let it bring you down. You just gotta believe in yourself. You pull yourself together, and you get right back on the horse.

Mary Jane Watson: Don't give me the horse thing. Try to understand how I feel. It's just... I look at these words, and it's like my father wrote them.

Radio Policeman: All cars. All cars in the vicinity of 54th and 6th Ave, please report. Crane out of control. Approach with caution.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Go get 'em, tiger. Sorry.

Cop: Oh my God. Seven Atom to central. That crane . It's bigger than we thought. We're gonna need a major mobilization right away.

Crane Operator: Shut it down at the generator! Now!

Photographer: Okay, Gwen, I've got a secret: It's my copier! What is that thing doing in my background?

Cop #2: Captain Stacy, they got some kind of short up there! They can't shut down the crane!

George Stacy: Get Edison on the phone. Have them kill the power of the whole block.

Gwen Stacy: Are you all right?

Photograph: It's coming back!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Oh my God. It's Gwen!

George Stacy: What? What's she doing up there?

Eddie Brock/Venom: I don't know. I just saw her last night. She said she had a modeling gig.

George Stacy: Who are you?

Eddie Brock/Venom: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr. I work at the Daily Bugle. And I'm dating your daughter.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You OK?

Gwen Stacy: Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Hey, Spidey, hold on. Bugle needs a photo.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Thank God you're okay.

Gwen Stacy: Daddy!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Hey. I'm the new guy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: New guy?

Eddie Brock/Venom: From now on, I'm gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle. So smile! Are you smiling?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Where's the other guy?

Eddie Brock/Venom: Peter Parker? Yeah, um, look, between you and me. The guy's kind of an amateur. Have you noticed, his stuff makes you look a little... bloated. Just a little chunky.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay...

Eddie Brock/Venom: Don't have to worry about that anymore, buddy.

J. Jonah Jameson: Dazzle me.

Ted Hoffman: Just a little something the boys in the Ad department and I whipped up. As you know, circulation of the Bugle has been pretty good. Though not as good as the New York Times or the Daily News or the Post or several other smaller...

J. Jonah Jameson: Get on with it, moron! What?

Betty Brant: Your blood pressure, Mr. Jameson. Your wife told me to tell you to watch the anger.

J. Jonah Jameson: You tell my wife... Thank you.

Ted Hoffman: So, I propose this campaign: "DAILY BUGLE", that's obvious. "IT'S HIP, IT'S NOW", I came up with that one. "IT'S WOW" -- that's actually Eric's. "AND HOW!" -- that's me again.

Betty Brant: Time to take your pill. Not that one. Not that one. Drink plenty of water.

J. Jonah Jameson: Thank you. Continue.

Betty Brant: He's busy.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Oh, no, I'm just here to talk to you, babe.

Betty Brant: What's that smell?

Eddie Brock/Venom: That's a little something called "Nice 'n' Easy". What's on you?

Betty Brant: It's called "Go Away".

J. Jonah Jameson: That is the dumbest idea you've ever had. You have had some daunting...

Betty Brant: Blood pressure. Hey, where are you going?

J. Jonah Jameson: Who are you?

Robbie Robertson: You hired him last week. Freelance.

J. Jonah Jameson: I did? What's that smell?

Eddie Brock/Venom: Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr. Wow, I really like that shirt. Here. It's a crane accident. Check out the light source.

J. Jonah Jameson: He likes my shirt.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, Betty.

Betty Brant: Hey, Pete. You better get in there. A new guy. He's trying to sell some Spidey photos.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Uh. Thanks.

J. Jonah Jameson: Parker! You're late! Maybe too late. Bruckner here beat ya to it.

Eddie Brock/Venom: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I got you this.

J. Jonah Jameson: But he got me this.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Wait. How'd you get that? I didn't see you. How'd you get that high?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Climbed. Nearly fell off a flagpole.

Eddie Brock/Venom: A flagpole?

J. Jonah Jameson: Which one do we use? I like Bernstein's. It's better. Cheaper, too. Congratulations, son. We'll use your shot and pay you 50 bucks.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Uh all right, JJ. I'm your man. I know more about what makes a good picture than any photographer in this town. See, photography, it's not just about no offense, flagpoles. Whatever. It's about lighting. Composition. Drama. I want a staff job, sir. I have a girl that I intend to marry, and I have this stupid little dream of working with one of the greatest newspaper editors of our time. J. Jonah Jameson.

J. Jonah Jameson: Well, we do have an opening. Johnson quit, remember?

Robbie Robertson: You fired him.

J. Jonah Jameson: Whatever.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Wait a minute. I know what makes a good picture, and I've been here for a long time. If there's a staff job, Mr. Jameson, I think I deserve it.

Robbie Robertson: He's right, Jonah. Peter's been with us for years. He's done a great job.

J. Jonah Jameson: You want a staff job, and you want a staff job. Anybody care about what I want?

Ted Hoffman: I do.

J. Jonah Jameson: Shut up. Get out. I want the public to see Spider-Man for the two-bit criminal he really is. He's a fake. He's full of stickum. Catch him in the act. "Spider-Man with his hand in the cookie jar". Whoever brings me that photo gets the job. What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year? Go, go, go!

Eddie Brock/Venom: I'm on it, boss.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You'll never get that shot.

Eddie Brock/Venom: We'll see.

Man: You know, I guess one person can make a difference. 'Nuff said.

Bernard Houseman: Welcome home, Harry. Thank God you're all right.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Thanks, Bernard.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Aperitif?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Sure.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Got you a little homecoming present.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Wha It's your old ball!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Thanks, buddy.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: We were pretty good in the backyard, weren't we?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: We were terrible. And we tried out for the varsity team.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yeah, for the cheerleaders.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Right.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, do I have any girlfriends?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I don't know.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You don't?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey Bernard, do I have any girlfriends?

Bernard Houseman: Not that I know of, sir.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: That's a pretty cool pass, huh?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's okay.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Looks like I'm not worrying for money.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Well, maybe I can turn this no-girlfriend thing around.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You know, he always appreciated how you helped me through high school. I just wish I could remember more about him.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: He loved you. That's the main thing.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, let's watch the game in the kitchen. Get something to eat.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Okay.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Whoa, catch that!

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Did you see that?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Still got the moves.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yeah!

Why are you stopping?

What is she doing here? Gary, you were supposed to call her agent.

Hi, honey. We tried to reach you.

I'm sorry.

Mary Jane Watson: One critic?

No, all the papers, dear.

Mary Jane, honey. Sit down. Let's explain it to you. If you like, we could say you became ill. That was so poorly handled.

Yeah. Let's just rehearse.

Guy: All right, Spidey!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Excuse me, miss. Let me see that gorgeous smile.

Gwen Stacy: Hi, Eddie.

Eddie Brock/Venom: You're so beautiful. This is front page stuff. I've got to practice. I'll see you later, okay? How about tonight?

Gwen Stacy: Not tonight.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Why not? Think of that amazing night that we had.

Gwen Stacy: We had a coffee, Eddie.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, beautiful. One more. Everything Okay?

Mary Jane Watson: Yeah. I'm fine.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You're not still mad at me, are you?

Mary Jane Watson: No, Peter. I'm proud of you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey. I'm gonna be swingin' it from over there. So you know where to look.

Mary Jane Watson: Give 'em a good show.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Don't worry about that review. We're gonna be laughing about it tomorrow night. Promise.

Mary Jane Watson: Yeah.

Policeman #1: Isn't that that guy from that prison break?

Policeman #2: He fits.

Policeman #1: Hey you! Halt!

Policeman #1: Cover the back!

Policeman #1: Fire!

Gwen Stacy: People of the city of New York, I am here today because I fell 62 storeys and someone caught me. Someone who never asks for anything in return. Someone who doesn't even want us to know who he is.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, MJ.

Mary Jane Watson: Harry.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Where is Pete?

Mary Jane Watson: Um taking somebody's picture, I guess.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I'm so happy to see you.

Mary Jane Watson: You look so good.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I've never felt better. It's a weird feeling, not knowing New York. Bump on the head, I'm just free as a bird.

Mary Jane Watson: Will you bump me on the head? Bop.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, Pete said you're in a play.

Mary Jane Watson: You came. You sent me flowers.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I did? I'll come again tonight.

Mary Jane Watson: You can't. I... I was let go.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: What happened.

Mary Jane Watson: I wasn't very good.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You know, this is embarrassing, but... I once wrote you a play in high school.

Mary Jane Watson: You wrote me a play?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yeah.

Mary Jane Watson: Harry, that's the sweetest thing.

Gwen Stacy: I ask you: When you're dropping without a parachute or your store's being robbed or your house is on fire, who is it that brakes your fall, puts out the flames and saves your children? Spider-Man!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: They love me!

Gwen Stacy: Then let's hear it! For your one and only friendly neighborhood... Spider-Man!

Kiss him! Kiss him! Go ahead, lay it right on me.

Gwen Stacy: Really?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah, they'll love it.

Kiss him! Kiss him!

No, Spider-Man, no! Right...

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hope Pete's getting a shot of this.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, are you OK?

Mary Jane Watson: Yes, I'm fine.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Jig's up, pal.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I don't want to hurt you. Leave now.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I guess you haven't heard? I'm the sheriff 'round these parts.

Flint Marko/Sandman: Okay.

Cop #2: Help!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Where do all these guys come from?

Maître d’: Bonsoir. Le monsieur a-t-il un "reservation"?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm sorry, I don't speak...

Maître d’: But this is a French restaurant, non?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oui.

Maître d’: Name, please?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Parker, Peter.

Maître d’: Ah. Here we are. Table for two. Pekar.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Parker.

Maître d’: That is what I said. Pekar.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Um, I have a request. My girlfriend will be coming, and I have this ring.

Maître d’: Ah. All. Oh, so you want to pop the question tonight, hein?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yes, and I want to do something very special.

Maître d’: I love it. Romance. I am French. When I signal you, if you'd bring some champagne with the ring... In ze bottom of her glass?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Perfect.

Maître d’: Magnifique.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Also I thought, at the same time could the musicians play this song?

Maître d’: Their favorite.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: And take good care of the ring.

Maître d’: Ah oui, with my life, monsieur.

Maître d’: S'il vous plat.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oui.

Maître d’: I like you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Thank you.

Maître d’: "Bon" chance.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Bonne chance. OK, so... How would you like some champagne? How'd that get in there? Aw, don't cry.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Look at you, wow! Beautiful.

Mary Jane Watson: Thanks.

Mary Jane Watson: Is this place in your budget?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh, it's a special occasion. You're on Broadway.

Mary Jane Watson: I don't feel like much of a star tonight.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Well, you are a star. And you've earned it.

Mary Jane Watson: Peter, you have no idea how I feel right now.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh no, I know exactly how you feel. Listen. I have been through this. Happens to me all the time. I see Spider-Man posters in the window. Kids running around with me on their sweaters. Big Hallowe'en item. I don't know, I guess I've become something of an icon. Like yesterday. They keep screaming: "Spider-Man! Spider-Man!" I don't know, I mean, I'm thinking to myself, "I'm just a nerdy kid from Queens. Do I deserve this?"

Gwen Stacy: Hi, Pete.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hi.

Gwen Stacy: Hi. My parents and I are just having dinner here. Hello. I'm Gwen Stacy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: This is Mary Jane Watson.

Gwen Stacy: Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you. Pete talks about you all the time.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Gwen is my lab partner in Dr. Connor's class.

Gwen Stacy: Pete's something of a genius. I'd be completely lost without him. Which actually reminds me Pete, if you got a picture of my kiss with Spider-Man, could you bring it to class? I'd really love it. For my portfolio. After all, who gets kissed by Spider-Man, right?

Mary Jane Watson: I can't imagine.

Gwen Stacy: Well, it was lovely to meet you. Good night.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Good night.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Good night.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh, she's in my science class. It's not her best subject.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What?

Mary Jane Watson: How come you never mentioned her? She's your lab partner, you saved her life, she thinks you're a genius and she had her polished fingernails all over you? Or didn't you notice? And she gave Spider-Man the key to the city. I'll never forget that.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: She's just a girl in my class.

Mary Jane Watson: Let me ask you something. When you kissed her, who was kissing her? Spider-Man or Peter?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What do you mean?

Mary Jane Watson: You know exactly what I mean. That was our kiss. Why would you do that? You must have known how it made me feel. Do you want to push me away?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Push you away? Why would I want to push you away? I love you. You're my girlfriend. She's a girl in my class, MJ.

Mary Jane Watson: I don't feel very well. I'm sorry. I have to go.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, w...

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Where are you going?

Mary Jane Watson: Please don't follow me.

Waiter: Here we are.

Mary Jane Watson: Hi, it's MJ. Sing a song at the beep. Beep!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hello. Uh... I wish you'd pick up the phone. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if you got the messages, or what. But... I just want to talk to you. Okay. Call me, all right?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hallo?

Neil Garrett: Mr. Parker?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah?

Neil Garrett: This is Detective Neil Garett from the 2nd precinct. I'm calling on behalf of Captain Stacy. He would like you to come down to the station to speak with him.

George Stacy: Originally we thought that this man, Dennis Carradine, was your husband's killer. We were wrong.

May Parker: What?

George Stacy: Turns out Mr. Carradine was only an accomplice. The actual killer is still at large.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What are you talking about?

George Stacy: This is the man who killed your husband. His name is Flint Marko. He's a small-time crook who's been in and out of prison.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You got this wrong.

George Stacy: Two days ago, he escaped. Evidently, he confessed his guilt to a cellmate. And we have a couple of witnesses who corroborate the story. No, wait, sir.

Ben Parker: No, wait, son. You don't wanna do this.

Dennis Carradine: No!

Dennis Carradine: Hey, get in! What are you doing?

May Parker: Would you put these photos away, please?

George Stacy: I'm sorry, Mrs. Parker. I know this isn't easy, but please be patient with us. We're doing our job. We will catch him.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, you're not doing your job. I watched my uncle die. We chased down the wrong man. Now you're telling me there's suspicions for two years? Witnesses? Why weren't we told about this?

George Stacy: Settle down, son.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, I have no intention of settling down! This man killed my uncle, and he's still out there!

L-20 Parkway, all officers in the vicinity please report. We have an abandoned vehicle and an abandoned man in the middle of the street. Sorry, Wabash Avenue.

Mary Jane Watson: Peter, it's MJ. I'm not here about what happened at dinner. Just please open up. Aunt May called me. She told me about what happened. She's worried about you. I'm worried about you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Don't be. I'm fine.

Mary Jane Watson: I don't want you to do something stupid.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Like try to find my uncle's killer?

Mary Jane Watson: And do something you'll regret. Like... with that other guy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: He had a gun on me. I made a move, and he fell. I told you that.

Mary Jane Watson: I'm not accusing you of anything.

Radio Policeman: C-22, auto at 566, 9th Avenue...

Mary Jane Watson: Will you turn that thing off?

Mary Jane Watson: Peter, I'm here because I care about you. And I know that you made a mistake and that you feel guilty, but I want to be here for you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay. I get it. Thank you. But, uh, I'm fine. I don't need your help.

Mary Jane Watson: Everybody needs help sometimes, Peter. Even Spider-Man.

Radio Policeman: 90 - X-ray - 98. 10-31 at 642, Madison Av...

Radio Policeman: 1-3-Tom has responded 10-20 at 540, East 107...

Radio Policeman: Male inside apartment B on first floor...

Radio Policeman: 310-11 of a residence, 738...

Dennis Carradine: Don't hurt me! Just give me a chance!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What about my uncle? Did you give him a chance? Did you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Where am I? What is this? I feel... Wow. This feels good. This is something else.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What do you think?

Curt Connors: I've never seen anything like it. I'm a physicist, not a biologist, but... I'll look at it in the morning, run some tests.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Can we do that now?

Curt Connors: It seems to like you. Don't let any of that get on you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Why not?

Curt Connors: It has the characteristics of a symbiote, which needs to bond to a host to survive. And sometimes, these things in nature, when they bind, they can be hard to unbind.

Radio Policeman: Bank robbery in progress, First Eastern Bank Bismarck. Another sand storm is reported in the vicinity. All cars, proceed with caution.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Marko.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Wow Buddy, love the new outfit. This is exactly what I need to scoop Parker. Give me some of that web action.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Seeya, chump.

Eddie Brock/Venom: What the hell?!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Flint Marko.

Flint Marko/Sandman: What do you want from me?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Remember Ben Parker? The old man you shot down in cold blood?

Flint Marko/Sandman: What does it matter to you anyway?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Everything!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's time to pay, Marko.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Good riddance.

Mr. Ditkovich: Re-ent!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Not now.

Mr. Ditkovich: This is a free country. It's not a rent-free country.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Leave me alone.

Mr. Ditkovich: Give me rent.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!

Ursula Ditkovich: That wasn't cool.

Mr. Ditkovich: He is good boy. He must be in some kind of trouble.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Flint Marko, the man who killed uncle Ben, he was killed last night.

May Parker: O my... What happened?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Spider-Man killed him.

May Parker: Spider-Man? I don't understand. Spider-Man doesn't kill people. What happened?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I... He was... I thought that you'd feel... He deserved it, didn't he?

May Parker: I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to live or die.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Aunt May, he killed uncle Ben.

May Parker: Uncle Ben meant the world to us. But he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts. It's like a poison. It can take you over. Before you know it, turn us into something ugly.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hello.

Mary Jane Watson: Hey, Harry, it's MJ.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hi.

Mary Jane Watson: I need some company. Are you doing anything? Can I stop by?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yeah, sure. Come on over.

Mary Jane Watson: Okay. Are you sure it's OK?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I'm not doing anything. Please, come over.

Mary Jane Watson: Okay, I'll see you soon.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Great.

Mary Jane Watson: Bye.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Bernard?

Bernard Houseman: Yes, Mr. Osborn?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: We're having a guest. Can you get some food?

Bernard Houseman: A guest?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yeah, a guest.

Bernard Houseman: A guest guest?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Will you just get some food?

Bernard Houseman: Rightaway, sir.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, Mr. Ditkovich.

Mr. Ditkovich: An orange?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, thanks. Listen I'm really sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have yelled about that door. It was nothing to be angry about.

Mr. Ditkovich: Ah, it's not big deal. But if you feel that bad about it, you can buy me pizza some time. Today's good.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay.

Mr. Ditkovich: Have problem with the phone?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, no, I was just... was trying to figure out what to say.

Mr. Ditkovich: If it's a woman you're calling, then you say: "You're a good woman, "I'm good man."

Ursula Ditkovich: Hi, Pete.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hi.

Mr. Ditkovich: He's calling a woman.

Ursula Ditkovich: Are you calling Mary Jane? I think that would be so good...

Mr. Ditkovich: It's none of your business. Go! Go.

Ursula Ditkovich: Give her a call.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Thanks.

Ursula Ditkovich: Bye.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Bye.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You hungry?

Mary Jane Watson: Yeah.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Come in.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hope you like peppers.

Mary Jane Watson: I love 'em.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Oh, the butter!

Mary Jane Watson: Well, we can use that part.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: "You've been dreaming."

Mary Jane Watson: "Nothing like a little self-deception to get you through the night."

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: All right.

Mary Jane Watson: When did you write that?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Twelfth grade.

Mary Jane Watson: It's intense.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: So you want the part?

Mary Jane Watson: I'd love to be in your play.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: It's yours.

Mary Jane Watson: You know, there's not even a scar. Barely.

Mary Jane Watson: Sorry.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Me too.

Mary Jane Watson: I didn't mean to do that.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: No, it's Okay. Please.

Mary Jane Watson: Forgive me.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Mary Jane. Mary Jane. Mary Jane, please!

Mary Jane Watson: I'm sorry.

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin: You've taken your eye off the ball.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: What have you done?

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin: Avenge me!

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: My father... he died, right?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Just wish that I could remember more about him.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Well, he loved you. That's the main thing.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I swear on my father's grave: Spider-Man will pay.

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin: Harry. Remember me?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yes, father. I remember.

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin: I was right about her, about Peter, about everything. You know what you must do. Make him suffer. Make him wish he were dead. First we attack his heart.

Mary Jane Watson: Hi, it's me. Sing your song at the beep.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, MJ. It's Peter. I want to talk to you about last night. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you were just there to help, and-- I, uh... I don't know, I want to see you.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: If you want Peter to live, you're gonna do something for me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah?

Ursula Ditkovich: It's Ursula.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Come in.

Ursula Ditkovich: Hi, Pete.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hi.

Ursula Ditkovich: There's a phone call for you. It's Mary Jane, she called back!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Really?

Ursula Ditkovich: Yeah! I put the phone on top of the thing.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Thanks.

Ursula Ditkovich: Okay.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey.

Mary Jane Watson: Hi.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I was so glad you called. I've been... trying to...

Mary Jane Watson: Can you meet me?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You bet.

Mary Jane Watson: Now?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay. Where?

Mary Jane Watson: At the bridge in the park.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: On my way.

Mary Jane Watson: Okay

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey. I love you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You look beautiful. Peonies. You okay?

Mary Jane Watson: No. There's something I have to tell you, Pete.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay.

Mary Jane Watson: It's not working. You and me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What?

Mary Jane Watson: I don't want to see you anymore.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What are you talking about?

Mary Jane Watson: I don't know. I'm lonely. You aren't there for me. I can't do this. It's over.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No. Please. Please don't say that. I know, I've been selfish. But I can do better. I can change.

Mary Jane Watson: It's not that simple.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: We love each other! I love you! And we have problems. When people have problems, they work it out. They talk to each other. Look, you see? You know what this is? You know what I want for us?

Mary Jane Watson: There's someone else. I've fallen in love with someone else.

Harry Osborn: Brava.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: She says that she's lonely, and that I'm not there for her. There's another guy.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: How are you holding up?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Not good. Harry, I was going to propose to her.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Really? She's been going through a tough time lately. Career. I mean, a singing waitress at a jazz club that's not exactly what she had in mind for herself. A singing waitress? What are you talking about? She was fired from the show. Didn't she tell you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: She was fired? She was fired and she told you? She didn't tell me?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: That's why I asked you here, Pete. I'm the other guy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Look, she came to me one afternoon, troubled. She needed someone, and I was there for her. I've always loved her, Pete. You know that. It just... started.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I don't believe this. I don't believe you.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I'm really sorry. I just thought you should know.

Waitress: Can I warm you up?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Yes, please.

Waitress: How's the pie?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: So good.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Would you like a drink? I'm sorry. What was I thinking? Bad for the public image, right, Mr. Key-to-the-city?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: What did you do to her?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I did what you failed to do. I was there for her. Mary Jane and I, we understand each other.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: She doesn't know what you are.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Peter. She knows me very well. And when she kissed me, it was just like she used to kiss me. That taste. Strawberries.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: How d'ya like that, Spidey?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: That all you got?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Stinks, doesn't it?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I protected you in high school. Now I'm gonna kick your little ass.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You gonna kill me like you killed my father?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm done trying to convince you.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You took him from me. He loved me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No. He despised you. You were an embarrassment for him. Look at that little Goblin junior. Gonna cry?

Spider-Man used to make me feel safe. Now I'm afraid to walk home from work.

My son thought the world of this guy.

I have a 9 year old daughter, loves Spider-Man. Who's she supposed to look up to now?

This is the guy they gave the key to the city to?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.

Cheers to the new staff photographer!

Eddie Brock/Venom: I just got lucky.

This is so wonderful for you.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Well, you might wanna tell JJ to make a little more wall space.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Wow, good morning. It's a beautiful day, huh? What was it you said, I'll never get that picture? There's your hero.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I never thought he'd really do that.

Eddie Brock/Venom: See? Right there, you made a judgment call. You gotta see it as it is.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: It's funny you should say that, 'cause I was looking through some old photos, and looks very, uh similar.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Okay. Well, I gotta get back to work.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You're trash, Brock.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Excuse me?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Your picture is a fake.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Parker, you are such a boy scout. When are you gonna give a guy a break?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You want forgiveness? Get religion.

Robbie Robertson: What's going on here?

Betty Brant: Are you guys all right?

Eddie Brock/Venom: Yeah, no, we're just horsin' around.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Look, I'm begging you. If you do this, I will lose everything. There's not a paper in town that will hire me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You should've thought of that earlier.

Robbie Robertson: What are you doing, Peter?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Show this to the editor. Tell him to check his source next time.

Robbie Robertson: It's a fake! Empire State Photographic Department confirms it.

J. Jonah Jameson: Pack your things. Get out of my building.

Eddie Brock/Venom: I was just trying...

J. Jonah Jameson: You're fired!

Robbie Robertson: You know we're gonna have to print a retraction now.

J. Jonah Jameson: I haven't printed a retraction in 20 years!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hello.

Curt Connors: Mr. Parker? Dr. Connors here.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh, Dr. Connors! How are you?

Curt Connors: Quite a specimen you left me, Parker. Its chemistry is not unlike the meteorites of the 70s.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Thanks. That's good.

Curt Connors: You know what, Parker? Parker?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Give me some milk.

Curt Connors: It amplifies characteristics of its host.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, give me another cookie.

Curt Connors: Specially aggression. This can be dangerous. Peter, you didn't keep any, did you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You got any with nuts?

Ursula Ditkovich: Um I have some nuts, I could make some.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Go make me some.

Curt Connors: Peter?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, no, no. Course not.

Betty Brant: Your shots are so good.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'd love to shoot you sometime.

Betty Brant: Peter Parker! Peter...

J. Jonah Jameson: Parker! Miss Brant, that's not the position I hired you for!

Robbie Robertson: Black-suit Spider-Man. Peter, these are incredible. We gotta have these Jonah.

J. Jonah Jameson: I'll pay you the usual rate.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money.

Flint Marko/Sandman: Penny.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You are really gonna dig this joint.

Gwen Stacy: Do you think I'm dressed all right? Too fancy or... Are you kidding me?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You're looking fine, babe.

Gwen Stacy: Thank you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Love that little giggle.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, keep it open there, pops.

Gwen Stacy: Oh, this is so cool! I have never been to a jazz club before. I hope we can get a table.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Find us some shade. Thanks, hot legs.

Right this way, sir.

Gwen Stacy: Oh, why, thank you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm so loving this.

Gwen Stacy: Oh, me too.

Gwen Stacy: Isn't that your old girlfriend?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Gwen Stacy: Do you want to go someplace else?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Oh, no, no. I'll... I'll be okay.

Mary Jane, show us what you got.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'll be right back.

Gwen Stacy: All right.

Mary Jane Watson: Peter?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: This is for you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Double time!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Thanks.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Now dig on this.

Girl: That is hot.

Gwen Stacy: That was all for her? I'm so sorry.

Jazz Club Manager: You all right, Mary Jane?

Mary Jane Watson: I'm fine.

Jazz Club Manager: Okay.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey.

Mary Jane Watson: What's wrong with you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You.

Jazz Club Manager: Can I help you, sir?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No.

Jazz Club Bouncer: Is everything okay here, Paul?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah, is everything okay here, Paul?

Jazz Club Manager: Take him out of here.

Jazz Club Bouncer: Let's go, sir.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Take your hand off of me.

Jazz Club Bouncer: Now.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Okay.

Jazz Club Bouncer: Hey, get off. Let go.

Mary Jane Watson: Peter, stop it!

Mary Jane Watson: Who are you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I don't know.

Eddie Brock/Venom: It's Brock, Sir. Edward Brock Jr. I come before you today humbled and humiliated to ask you for one thing. I want you to kill Peter Parker.

Eddie Brock/Venom: Parker?

May Parker: Hi, Peter.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hi.

May Parker: You don't seem to have changed the room around very much. Of course, there's not much you can do, is there? When we spoke on the phone, I sensed something was bothering you, so I thought I'd just come by. How's Mary Jane?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I don't know.

May Parker: I never heard from you. Did you ever propose?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You said a husband's gotta put a wife before himself. I'm not ready.

May Parker: But what happened? You seemed so sure.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah. I... I hurt her, aunt May. I don't know what to do.

May Parker: You start by doing the hardest thing. You forgive yourself. I believe in you, Peter. You're a good person. And I know you will find a way to put it right. In time.

Flint Marko/Sandman: End of the line, Spider-Man.

Eddie Brock/Venom: I want him dead too, Flint. That's why I've been looking for you. Oh yeah. I know all about you. Like the fact that Spider-Man won't let you help your poor daughter. It's just It doesn't seem right to me. Look. I wanna kill the Spider. You wanna kill the Spider. Together, he doesn't stand a chance. Interested?

Flint Marko/Sandman: Yeah.

Eddie Brock/Venom: So where to?

Hal Fishman: All New York is holding its breath as a hostage crisis continues to unfold. Just thirty minutes ago, police came across this startling sight: A young woman held hostage in a taxi suspended 80 storeys above the ground in what appears to be a giant web. Every attempt by the police to rescue the hostage has been flaunted by the Sandman. Compounding the danger is the appearance of a strange black-suited figure. Early reports had believed him to be the black-suited Spider-Man. But he is now been identified as something entirely different. The hostage has been identified as Mary Jane Watson, an actrice recently seen in a brief stint on Broadway. We're now going to take you live to the scene with Jennifer Dugan. Jennifer?

Jennifer Dugan: We're only about 100 feet away now, Hal, and... Wait. There seems to be some kind of activity in the web. It seems to be creating some kind of gigantic lettering. "SPIDER-MAN, STOP US IF YOU CAN" Apparently, Spider-Man is being challenged to some sort of confrontation. And that raises serious questions about what kind of chance he'd stand against such overwhelming...

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry. I need your help. Can't take them both. Not by myself.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: You don't deserve my help.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry, she needs us.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Get out.

Bernard Houseman: If I may, Sir. I've seen things in this house I've never spoken of.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: What are you trying to tell me?

Bernard Houseman: The night your father died I cleaned his wound. The blade that pierced his body came from his glider. I know you're trying to defend your father's honor, but there's no question that he died by his own hand. I loved your father. As I have loved you, Harry. As your friends love you.

Jennifer Dugan: Look! He seems to have come out of nowhere to answer the prayers of the city, just when all hope seemed to be lost.

Mary Jane Watson: Peter? They're gonna kill us both.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man:I'm gonna get you out of this.

Mary Jane Watson: Watch out!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Hey, Parker.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: My God. Eddie?

Eddie Brock/Venom: Oh, my spider-sense is tickling. If you know what I'm talking about.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: We can find a way to settle this.

Eddie Brock/Venom: You're so right. I'm thinking humiliation. Kinda like you humiliated me. Do you remember? Do you remember what you did to me? You made me lose my girl. Now I'm gonna make you lose yours. How's that sound, tiger?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hold on, Mary Jane! Mary Jane.

Jennifer Dugan: It's hard to believe what's happening. The brutality of it. I don't know how he can take any more.

Hal Fishman: This can be a tragic day for the people of New York. It could be the end of Spider-Man.

Boy #1: Awesome!

Boy #2: Wicked cool!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You came.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Looks like just in the nick of time.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: A couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been so bad either.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: What're you gonna do.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm needing some help over here.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: I'm a little busy right now. Give me your hand!

J. Jonah Jameson: Parker! Parker, where... I need a photographer! Hey, kid. You want a job?

Girl with Camera: Why would I want a job? I'm just a kid.

J. Jonah Jameson: All right, how much for the camera?

Girl with Camera: One hundred bucks.

J. Jonah Jameson: A hundred bucks? All right, you little prick. Here.

J. Jonah Jameson: What the...

Girl with Camera: Film's extra.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Gotcha.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Pete, up top.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: May Jane!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: This thing got any more?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hang on!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: To what?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Go, buddy!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Got her!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You Okay?

Mary Jane Watson: Yeah.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Good.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Hey, Pete. Am I interrupting?

Eddie Brock/Venom: Never wound what you can't kill.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Eddie, this suit, you gotta take it off!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I know what it feels like. It feels good. The power. Everything. But you'll lose yourself. Let it go.

Eddie Brock/Venom: I like being bad. It makes me happy.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Harry!

Eddie Brock/Venom: Peter, what are you doing?

Eddie Brock/Venom: No!

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Eddie!

Mary Jane Watson: Harry?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Mary Jane.

Mary Jane Watson: I'm going to get help.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Stay.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I didn't want this. But I had no choice.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: We always have a choice. You had a choice when you killed my uncle.

Flint Marko/Sandman: My daughter was dying. I needed money. I was scared.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I told your uncle all I wanted was the car.

Ben Parker: What is it?

Flint Marko/Sandman: I need your car.

Flint Marko/Sandman: He said to me: "Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?". I realize now he was just trying to help me. Then I saw my partner running over with the cash, and the gun was in my hand.

Dennis Carradine: Get in!

Flint Marko/Sandman: Did a terrible thing to you. I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I've done terrible things too.

Flint Marko/Sandman: I didn't choose to be this. The only thing left to me now is my daughter.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I forgive you.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey, pal. How are you doing?

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: Been better.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: We'll get you through this.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: No.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: You should never forgive said those things.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin: None of that matters, Peter. You're my friend.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Best friend.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Whatever comes our way. Whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right.

Mary Jane Watson: I'm through with love I'll never fall again Said adieu to love Don't ever call again For I must have you Or no one And so I'm through with love I've locked my heart I'll keep my feelings there I have stocked my heart With icy frigid air and I mean to care for no one...