Liquid Exception: undefined method `to_liquid' for #<Prismic::Document:0x007fe148965560> in posts/a-week-in-oijoij-SLUG.html
/Users/allisonzadrozny/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/liquid-4.0.0/lib/liquid/variable_lookup.rb:49:in `block in evaluate': undefined method `to_liquid' for #<Prismic::Document:0x007fe148965560> (NoMethodError)
If I edit the generator PrismicPage initialize method like blow, when running build it works:
I believe that Drops aren't working as expected. When trying to iterate over my collection information like so:
{% for post in site.prismic.collections.posts %}
{{ post.fragments. }}
{% endfor %}
I get this error:
Source: src
Destination: public
Incremental build: enabled
Liquid Exception: stack level too deep in /_layouts/blog.html
/Users/allisonzadrozny/code/open-source/jekyll-prismic/lib/jekyll/prismic/site.rb:14:in `prismic_collections': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
from /Users/allisonzadrozny/code/open-source/jekyll-prismic/lib/jekyll/prismic/drops.rb:206:in `collections'
from /Users/allisonzadrozny/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3/gems/liquid-4.0.0/lib/liquid/drop.rb:35:in `invoke_drop'
Is this perhaps a version thing with Liquid and this plugin and updated Jekyll locally to 3.8? I'd really like to use this plugin on 3.8. Any advice for debugging this would be greatly appreciated — thanks!
I have my config set up similarly to the README:
I use Jekyll 3.8, so I had to update the dependency locally:
if I run the build, I get this error:
If I edit the generator PrismicPage initialize method like blow, when running build it works:
I believe that Drops aren't working as expected. When trying to iterate over my collection information like so:
I get this error:
Is this perhaps a version thing with Liquid and this plugin and updated Jekyll locally to 3.8? I'd really like to use this plugin on 3.8. Any advice for debugging this would be greatly appreciated — thanks!