CHH / pipe

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Document Mustache Templates #22

Closed svperfecta closed 12 years ago

svperfecta commented 12 years ago

Hi @css - Could you explain how you're intending that I use mustache templates with Pipe?

I assumed I could do something like this:

//= require file.js //= require template.mustache

This parses, but doesn't do what I expected. I assumed it would somehow wrap my template files up so that they are accessible via my other JS files. Instead it just puts the template code inline in my Javascript (which doesn't parse). What should I be doing here?


CHH commented 12 years ago

Yeah, as you said, mustache is not working very well. That it's supported is only due to the fact that Pipe is built on top of Metatemplate. So the way to go would be to create an engine like Sprockets' JST engine. So then you would put your mustache code into .jst files and do a //= require template.jst.

Then the template's code would be available in Javascript via JST["template"].

svperfecta commented 12 years ago

Thanks. I may just look into it. Great work with pipe. It's sorely needed.