I compile a test with "-fgpu-default-stream=per-thread",but a compilation error occurred:
streamperthread/hipStreamPerThrdCompilerOptn.cc:50:17: error: Can't find declaration for hipLaunchKernel_spt
__global__ void DefltStrmPT_Square(int64_t *C_d, int64_t N) {
1 error generated when compiling for host.
I found that the compiler would require the code to use hipLaunchKernel_spt, and this function declared in spirv_spt.h,
should I manually include this header file into the source code of the test program?
I compile a test with "-fgpu-default-stream=per-thread",but a compilation error occurred:
I found that the compiler would require the code to use hipLaunchKernel_spt, and this function declared in spirv_spt.h, should I manually include this header file into the source code of the test program?