CHLNDDEV / OceanMesh2D

A two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required) designed specifically to build models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC, FVCOM, WaveWatch3, SWAN, SCHISM, Telemac, etc.).
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incremental Mannings n creation with cell-averaging #243

Open krober10nd opened 3 years ago

krober10nd commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug When creating the nodal attribute Mannings n landcover parameter, we often have to partition the domain into chunks/slices to fit into available RAM. When this happens, sometimes N>1 cell-averaging stencil overlaps partitions and values can become duplicated leading to errors in the fort.13 file creation for a model such as ADCIRC.

Onur could you please paste here the latest mannings n function we were working on so no one forgets for the next time?

Onur-Kurum commented 3 years ago

Here you go Keith. Please compare with yours. I think this one is not the final working version.

function obj = Calc_Mannings_Landcover(obj,data,type,varargin)
% obj = Calc_Mannings_Landcover(obj,data,type,varargin)
% Input a msh class object and interpolates a land-cover database file
% (netcdf format) onto the msh while converting to mannings values through
% a look-up table
% type:
%  - 'nlcd': 
%    NLCD 2006 Land Cover (2011 Edition) (1.1Gb) from
%  - 'ccap':
%    CCAP NOAA land cover:
% varargin: Accepts the same options as for msh.interp to control how 
%           data is interpolated; see 'help msh.interp'
%  Author:            WP July 19, 2018
%  Update for CCAP:   WP May 5, 2021
if nargin < 3 || isempty(type)
   type = 'nlcd'; 
if strcmp(type,'nlcd')
    disp('Info: Using NLCD table')
    % NLCD table
    load nlcd
    nlcd_mannings(end+1)=nlcd_mannings(11); % <--make NaN = default value
elseif strcmp(type,'ccap')
    disp('Info: Using CCAP table')
    % CCAP table
    load ccap 
    ccap_mannings(end+1)=ccap_mannings(21); % <-- make NaN = default value
    error('Land-cover database not supported')
% The mannings name and default value
attrname = 'mannings_n_at_sea_floor';
default_val = varargin{end}(end); %end of the lut is default
dmy = msh();  dmy.p = obj.p; dmy.t = obj.t; 
% Convert to Mannings and interpolate how the user wants
dmy = interp(dmy,data,varargin{:});
Man = dmy.b';
Man( isnan(Man) | Man==0 ) = default_val; %points outside of lut can still be NaN
%% Make into f13 struct
if isempty(obj.f13)
    % Add add mannings as first entry in f13 struct
    obj.f13.AGRID = obj.title;
    obj.f13.NumOfNodes = length(obj.p);
    obj.f13.nAttr = 1;
    NA = 1;
    broken = 0;
    for NA = 1:obj.f13.nAttr
        if strcmp(attrname,obj.f13.defval.Atr(NA).AttrName)
            broken = 1;
            % overwrite existing tau0
    if ~broken
        % add mannings to list
        obj.f13.nAttr = obj.f13.nAttr + 1;
        NA = obj.f13.nAttr;
% Default Values
obj.f13.defval.Atr(NA).AttrName = attrname;
% We can just put in the options here
obj.f13.defval.Atr(NA).Unit = 'unitless';
valpernode = 1;
obj.f13.defval.Atr(NA).ValuesPerNode = valpernode ;
obj.f13.defval.Atr(NA).Val = default_val ;
% User Values
obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).AttrName = attrname ;
numnodes = length(find(Man ~= default_val));
% Print out list of nodes for each
K = find(Man ~= default_val);
if isfield(obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA),'Val') &&  ~isempty(obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).usernumnodes)
    obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).usernumnodes = obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).usernumnodes  + numnodes ;
    obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).Val = [obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).Val'; K' , Man(K)']';
    obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).usernumnodes = numnodes ;
    obj.f13.userval.Atr(NA).Val = [K ; Man(K)];
krober10nd commented 3 years ago

Thanks! we'd also like to support custom default values for this calculation.

krober10nd commented 10 months ago

FYI if you have overlapping tiles, the above approach cannot be used.