A two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required) designed specifically to build models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC, FVCOM, WaveWatch3, SWAN, SCHISM, Telemac, etc.).
I am sorry to bother you further. Actually, I need input data for Generalized Asymmetric Holland Model (GAHM) for ADCIRC model. In OceanMesh2D, there is a function (name Make_f15.m) to specify the wind control (NWS) and wind timestep (WTIMNC) parameters. I have the following required files for this purpose:
fort.22 meteorological forcing file
preprocessing of the ATCF formatted track file using the ASymmetric Wind Input Preprocessor (aswip) program
The Make_f15.m function provides three ADCIRC input files (fort.13, fort.14, and fort.15).
I would like to know that how to add NWS and WTIMNC in the following line.
m = Make_f15( m, TS, TE, DT, 'tidal database', TPXO9, 'const', {CONST},'sta_database',{'CO-OPS','NDBC',[1]} ) ;
I would be very grateful to you if I can create the abovementioned input files accurately.
Dear all,
I am sorry to bother you further. Actually, I need input data for Generalized Asymmetric Holland Model (GAHM) for ADCIRC model. In OceanMesh2D, there is a function (name Make_f15.m) to specify the wind control (NWS) and wind timestep (WTIMNC) parameters. I have the following required files for this purpose:
The Make_f15.m function provides three ADCIRC input files (fort.13, fort.14, and fort.15).
I would like to know that how to add NWS and WTIMNC in the following line. m = Make_f15( m, TS, TE, DT, 'tidal database', TPXO9, 'const', {CONST},'sta_database',{'CO-OPS','NDBC',[1]} ) ;
I would be very grateful to you if I can create the abovementioned input files accurately.
Regards, Jalal