A two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required) designed specifically to build models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC, FVCOM, WaveWatch3, SWAN, SCHISM, Telemac, etc.).
Created a new function for msh that simplifies the steps to re-mesh a polygonal region and insert it back perfectly into the parent mesh.
To be inserted into msh.m
function [m_remeshed]=remesh_patch(obj, poly, efdx, const_resolution)
% Remeshes the region inside the polygon poly
% Uses the existing mesh resolution patterns to re-mesh the
% patch by default but if user specifies const_resolution (in meters),
% then it will use a uniform resolution in the patch.
% efdx is the background grid resolution. Should be finer than
% the intended minimum element size to correctly capture
% element sizes.
if nargin < 3
const_resolution = -999;
subdomain = extract_subdomain(obj,poly{1});
poly = get_poly(subdomain);
fh = griddedInterpolant(efx,efy,ef);
hfun = @(p)fh(p);
subdomain_new = mesh2dgen(poly,hfun);
m_w_hole = extract_subdomain(obj,poly{1},"keep_inverse",1);
m_remeshed = plus(subdomain_new, m_w_hole,...
Created a new function for
that simplifies the steps to re-mesh a polygonal region and insert it back perfectly into the parent mesh.To be inserted into