CHOP-CGTInformatics / REDCapTidieR

Makes it easy to read REDCap Projects into R
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Add check_valid_api_token function and tests #116

Closed rsh52 closed 1 year ago

rsh52 commented 1 year ago


This PR introduces a simple check function to look for invalid API tokens. Unlike check_arg_is_valid_token, which checks for length and validity with REDCapR's sanitize_token, this function looks at the output of REDCapR::redcap_metadata_read() for invalid status return values.

Prior to this, redcap_metadata_read failures would give an unhelpful error message related to a filter operation we perform immediately after calling the metadata. Now, check_valid_api_token will look at the $success and $status_code values of the metadata list for 403 failure codes.

Choices and Calls for Input

I decided not to directly capture the error message that redcap_metadata_read provides in $outcome_message since it's not as friendly as our other error messages, but if we want to pass the exact output message from REDCapR we can:

"The REDCapR metadata export operation was not successful. The error message was:\n{\"error\":\"You do not have permissions to use the API\"}"

Otherwise, if we want to make our own informative sub-message as I've made here, happy to incorporate feedback for better language.

Proposed Changes

List changes below in bullet format:

Sample Output

> read_redcap(redcap_uri = redcap_uri
+             , token = paste(sample(1:9, 32, replace = T), collapse = ""))
Error in `read_redcap()`:
✖ The REDCapR metadata export operation was not successful.
ℹ An API token was provided that either does not have the correct privileges or is
  incorrectly formed.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

Issue Addressed

Closes #107

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rsh52 commented 1 year ago

@skadauke implemented as we discussed in the one location. Was thinking about how/if we should add test coverage for this. Trialing "bad" APIs/URIs would require new mocking I imagine, and generally we're looking to capture things we don't know to test for.

Keep me posted, if this is ok I can start applying to the other API calls to start addressing #110

skadauke commented 1 year ago

@rsh52 I've been doing some work implementing error messages but am currently getting stuck at the point of trying to re-create mocks. Let's all take a look in the New Year.

skadauke commented 1 year ago

Since this PR evolved a bit, here is a point by point summary of changes.


Here is a rendered reprex showing the current error messages for read_redcap():

devtools::load_all(path = "/local/path/to/REDCapTidieR")
#> ℹ Loading REDCapTidieR

options(rlang_backtrace_on_error_report = "none")

# read_redcap

classic_token <- Sys.getenv("REDCAPTIDIER_CLASSIC_API")
redcap_uri <- Sys.getenv("REDCAP_URI")

## args missing

# read_redcap()

# read_redcap(redcap_uri)

# read_redcap(token = classic_token)

## redcap_uri

read_redcap(123, classic_token)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `redcap_uri` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of type 'character', not 'double'

read_redcap(letters[1:3], classic_token)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `a`, `b`, `c` for `redcap_uri` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must have length 1, but has length 3

read_redcap("", classic_token)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ The REDCapR metadata export operation was not successful.
#> ! The URL returned the HTTP error code 405 (POST Method not allowed).
#> ℹ The most likely reason is that the provided URI does not point to a REDCap
#>   API endpoint.
#> ℹ URI: ``

read_redcap("", classic_token)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ The REDCapR metadata export operation was not successful.
#> ! Could not resolve the hostname.
#> ℹ The most likely reason is that the provided URI is incorrect.
#> ℹ URI: ``

## token

read_redcap(redcap_uri, 123)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `token` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of type 'character', not 'double'

read_redcap(redcap_uri, letters[1:3])
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `a`, `b`, `c` for `token` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must have length 1, but has length 3

read_redcap(redcap_uri, "")
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ The token is an empty string, not a valid 32-character hexademical
#>   value.
#> ℹ API token: ``

read_redcap(redcap_uri, "CC0CE44238EF65C5DA26A55DD749AF7") # 31 hex characters
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ The token is not a valid 32-character hexademical value.
#> ℹ API token: `CC0CE44238EF65C5DA26A55DD749AF7`

read_redcap(redcap_uri, "CC0CE44238EF65C5DA26A55DD749AF7A") # will be rejected by server
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ The REDCapR metadata export operation was not successful.
#> ! You supplied an API token that either does not have the correct privileges or
#>   is incorrectly formed.
#> ℹ API token: `CC0CE44238EF65C5DA26A55DD749AF7A`

## raw_or_label

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, raw_or_label = "bad option")
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `bad option` for `raw_or_label` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must be element of set {'label','raw'}, but is 'bad option'

## forms

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, forms = 123)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `forms` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of type 'character' (or 'NULL'), not 'double'

## export_survey_fields

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, export_survey_fields = 123)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `export_survey_fields` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must be of type 'logical', not 'double'

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, export_survey_fields = c(TRUE, TRUE))
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `TRUE`, `TRUE` for `export_survey_fields` which is not
#>   a valid value
#> ! Must have length 1, but has length 2

## suppress_redcapr_messages

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, suppress_redcapr_messages = 123)
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `suppress_redcapr_messages` which is not a
#>   valid value
#> ! Must be of type 'logical', not 'double'

read_redcap(redcap_uri, classic_token, suppress_redcapr_messages = c(TRUE, TRUE))
#> Error in `read_redcap()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `TRUE`, `TRUE` for `suppress_redcapr_messages` which
#>   is not a valid value
#> ! Must have length 1, but has length 2

# bind_tibbles

#> Error in `bind_tibbles()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `supertbl` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

supertbl <- tibble(redcap_data = list())
bind_tibbles(supertbl, environment = "abc")
#> Error in `bind_tibbles()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `<tibble[,1]>` for `supertbl` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

bind_tibbles(supertbl, tbls = 123)
#> Error in `bind_tibbles()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `<tibble[,1]>` for `supertbl` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

# extract_tibbles

#> Error in `extract_tibbles()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `a`, `b`, `c`, …, `i`, `j` for `supertbl` which is not
#>   a valid value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

# extract_tibble

extract_tibble(123, "my_tibble")
#> Error in `extract_tibble()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `supertbl` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

supertbl <- tibble(redcap_data = list()) %>%
extract_tibble(supertbl, tbl = 123)
#> Error in `extract_tibble()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `tbl` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of type 'character', not 'double'

extract_tibble(supertbl, tbl = letters[1:3])
#> Error in `extract_tibble()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `a`, `b`, `c` for `tbl` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must have length 1, but has length 3

# make_labelled

#> Error in `make_labelled()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `123` for `supertbl` which is not a valid value
#> ! Must be of class <redcap_supertbl>
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

missing_col_supertbl <- tibble(redcap_data = list()) %>%
#> Error in `make_labelled()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `<rdcp_spr[,1]>` for `supertbl` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! Must contain `supertbl$redcap_metadata`
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()`

missing_list_col_supertbl <- tibble(redcap_data = list(), redcap_metadata = 123) %>%
#> Error in `make_labelled()`:
#> ✖ You've supplied `<rdcp_spr[,2]>` for `supertbl` which is not a valid
#>   value
#> ! `supertbl$redcap_metadata` must be of type 'list'
#> ℹ `supertbl` must be a REDCapTidieR supertibble, generated using
#>   `read_redcap()` 
rsh52 commented 1 year ago

Generally like all the changes, and the return error messages look succinct and informative.

I also think it would keep read_redcap() a little neater if we move the handler code to a named function at the bottom of read_redcap.R rather than keeping it as an anonymous function. Best solution is probably to put all the try_fetch logic in a helper function but that's a little more complicated.

I agree this should be considered, especially as we're about to apply this across every REDCapR API call and should minimize duplication of large code blocks to address #110. We can do the refactor after this PR.

skadauke commented 1 year ago

True, what may end up being tricky is to find a way to pass down the call to the helper function. I think it's solvable but I haven't been able to figure it out.

From: Rich Hanna @.> Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:02 AM To: CHOP-CGTInformatics/REDCapTidieR @.> Cc: Stephan Kadauke @.>; Mention @.> Subject: [External]Re: [CHOP-CGTInformatics/REDCapTidieR] Add check_valid_api_token function and tests (PR #116)

Generally like all the changes, and the return error messages look succinct and informative.

I also think it would keep read_redcap() a little neater if we move the handler code to a named function at the bottom of read_redcap.R rather than keeping it as an anonymous function. Best solution is probably to put all the try_fetch logic in a helper function but that's a little more complicated.

I agree this should be considered, especially as we're about to apply this across every REDCapR API call and should minimize duplication of large code blocks to address #110 We can do the refactor after this PR.

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