CHollingworth / Lampray

Linux Application Modding Platform. A native Linux mod manager.
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Wiki Improvements #107

Open SnazzyPanda opened 8 months ago

SnazzyPanda commented 8 months ago

With some of the recent, repeated questions in the Discord, I wanted to take a look at if there was any obvious deficiencies with the wiki. I think I spotted a couple places where I could make some potential (though slight) improvements.

While I was looking through the some parts of the wiki, and I thought a couple minor tweaks could help clarify some things for some users.


The main thing I saw was the page going over BG3 mod types. I felt that having the description come first (instead of the from/to directories) would be more useful to people using that page. Basically, while looking at it as someone without BG3, I did not feel like the directory info was relevant which caused me to have a tendency to gloss over on the actual descriptions. I also think it might help to have some separators between each mod type, as the headings do not really stand out much at that level (h3).


I also feel that the section regarding could be tweaked to help clarify that users typically will not need to do anything, and to help clarify where to make any edits for this path if needed.

Here are the tweaks I made to the BG3 and pages to address what I refer to above (let me know if you would prefer patches instead): Usage:-Baldur'

Additional Suggestions

  1. For BG3, it may be helpful to revisit the descriptions to ensure they make sense, and properly describe the mods each type should be used for.
  2. Also for BG3, it may also be helpful to include at least an example or two of popular mods for each type, to help users determine what type they might need to use.
  3. We have had a couple people come into the Discord with questions about set up on the Steam Deck. It would be nice to have someone who has a Steam Deck write a step-by-step guide (possibly even with some screenshots) to work through installing and using Lampray on it. Since I don't have a Steam Deck, I am not sure what the process would be, but the guide should ideally be fairly detailed.
    • Basically, I think the guide should ideally be able to take someone who has never used Linux before, and guide them to getting Lampray set up and running on the Steam Deck.
    • An example of how detailed I think we may want to get with the guide, with regards to installing any dependencies:
      • If packages need to be installed for Lampray to work, we should include the EXACT terminal command to install the needed packages on a Steam Deck (and possibly some instructions on getting to a terminal to enter that command).
      • If there is a graphical package manager, we should include the relevant package names, and possibly screenshots, of installing dependencies with that (in this case, the graphical package manager instructions should probably appear before terminal instructions to better help users unfamiliar with Linux).

There may be some additional items that could use some clarifications, but I think that would help with the main questions I have seen pop up so far.