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chore(master): add .desktop file for use with Flatpak #122

Open poperigby opened 7 months ago

poperigby commented 7 months ago

I'm working on a Flatpak for Lampray at, and it would be nice to have a .desktop file for better system integration.

airtonix commented 7 months ago

wouldn't it just be better to add the flatpak manifest here and update the release pipeline so this repo creates and publishes it?

poperigby commented 7 months ago

Yeah, that would work fine I think. Would you like me to make a PR with manifest, or add it to this one?

airtonix commented 7 months ago

Yeah, that would work fine I think. Would you like me to make a PR with manifest, or add it to this one?


on it.

i think this pr can stay in flight, although check in with @CHollingworth about any icons to reference in the desktop file?

CHollingworth commented 7 months ago

any of the logo variants would work nicely

poperigby commented 7 months ago

any of the logo variants would work nicely

Yeah. I was just going to copy those to /app/share/icons when building.

poperigby commented 7 months ago

on it

@airtonix To clarify, would you like me to submit a PR with the manifest?

airtonix commented 7 months ago

@poperigby Feel free to contribute to if you can, otherwise use the suggestion feature.

question about the pr title here (since it has impact on the generated changelog and resulting release version:

<TYPE>(<SCOPE>) , yours: chore(master).

I think chore is right, but since i've not used conventional commits with scopes much before, was there some reason why you chose master for the scope? (just trying to see if i missed something).

My understanding of the scope part, that it should help describe what part of the project (the component) this change affects.

is that right?

poperigby commented 7 months ago

Feel free to contribute to if you can, otherwise use the suggestion feature.


question about the pr title here (since it has impact on the generated changelog and resulting release version:

Oops, sorry. I was just following what the other PRs were named like for the scope. I'm not super familiar with how conventional commits work either.

airtonix commented 7 months ago

Oops, sorry. I was just following what the other PRs were named like for the scope. I'm not super familiar with how conventional commits work either.

Don't apologise. I thought there was something you knew that I didn't.

airtonix commented 7 months ago

@poperigby but in terms of next steps, i think update the desktop file to accurately point at the logo.

for now it might be safe to assume that this one singular desktop file is only used for the flatpak distro. In future i can imagine that there might be other forms of packaging.

poperigby commented 7 months ago

@poperigby but in terms of next steps, i think update the desktop file to accurately point at the logo.

for now it might be safe to assume that this one singular desktop file is only used for the flatpak distro. In future i can imagine that there might be other forms of packaging.

Do you mean just putting lampray instead of the reverse DNS named icon?