CHollingworth / Lampray

Linux Application Modding Platform. A native Linux mod manager.
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feat: Include the current Lampray version in the log for debugging #140

Closed SnazzyPanda closed 5 months ago

SnazzyPanda commented 5 months ago

Add a line near the beginning of the log file, and in the output, containing the current Lampray version string (pulled from Lampray/Filesystem/lampFS.h).

This should be helpful in determining if a reported issue is from a current or outdated version of Lampray.

SnazzyPanda commented 5 months ago

While this does work for now, I think it would be great to have a single source of truth for the version number. I am trying to figure out how that might be possible using the VERSION file, but I am not sure if that is possible yet (I have a feeling that it is). In that case that I do figure that out, I may updated this to make use of that instead.