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C012 session at the Fall 2022 AGU meeting #20

Closed akpetty closed 1 year ago

akpetty commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to make you CICE folks aware of the following AGU session "C012 - Community Tools and Products for Cryosphere Discovery and Application". They are keen to have a bigger sea ice representation and obviously CICE/ICEPACK are some of the best examples of open sea ice community tools out there!

Not sure I will be able to make the next CICE meeting as I will be on vacation, but I could help put together a poster if anyone is interested. I probably wont be attending in person this year. Full session details below for those interested.



C012 - Community Tools and Products for Cryosphere Discovery and Application The cryosphere research community strives to characterize, understand, and predict complex environments that are undergoing rapid change. These rapid changes have societal impacts - from glacial hazards to permafrost thaw to sea ice navigability to water security. Due to their societal importance, analysis of these rapid changes must keep up with scientist and decision maker needs. To enhance collaboration, analysis efficiency, and increase discovery by different stakeholders, many in the cryosphere science community use, have built or are building valuable community tools and datasets. These resources help support accessible science and technology across applications and international boundaries. These exciting advances are being made to better connect our community with a vast body of open source software expertise, while open licensing enables serendipitous knowledge exchange within the research sector and more broadly. Open source tools and datasets are most useful when the community knows how to find and apply them, highlighting the need for functional metadata, open documentation and community discussion for these resources. This session highlights open source and open access research tools, collaborative data products aligning with FAIR data principles, and examples and demonstration of their successful application.

Primary Convener Tyler C Sutterley Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington Conveners Twila A Moon University of Colorado at Boulder Elizabeth Ultee Middlebury College Alek Petty NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center

eclare108213 commented 2 years ago

I have been invited to present on behalf of the Consortium for a related session,

SY008. Community Modeling and Open Innovation to Advance Earth Prediction Systems.

Maybe these two can be linked? Input welcome! Thanks for co-organizing the cryo session, @akpetty