CICE-Consortium / Icepack

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Add salt flux computation option #392

Closed dabail10 closed 1 year ago

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

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njeffery commented 2 years ago

@dabail10 : Should saltflux_option be added to Icepack_in at this point?

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

Yes! Good catch.

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

Technically, it should also be added to the Icepack driver as well.

njeffery commented 2 years ago

Okay, I'll wait for that.

Also, do any of the Icepack testcases verify salt conservation?

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, there are no conservation diagnostics in Icepack. Something on my to-do list.

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

We do check salt conservation in CICE.

njeffery commented 2 years ago

I noticed that there's a conserv_check option. Would I see additional diagnostics in the log with this true?

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

Good question. I've never turned that on.

eclare108213 commented 2 years ago

I think conserv_check is for checking algorithms like incremental remapping or ridging -- it used to be hardwired in the code for debugging during development, and was later moved out to the namelist for easier automated testing.

apcraig commented 2 years ago

Just want to confirm everything is bit-for-bit in Icepack and CICE? Do you have a link to any test results?

njeffery commented 2 years ago

@dabail10 : Removing ktherm <=1 for update_ocn_f = true would be a problem for the MPAS-seaice implementation. This is because the freshwater and salt fluxes from the freeze melt potential are computed originally by the ocean model and corrected to be consistent with mushy-layer in the driver, ice_comp_mct. If the correction is done in add_new_ice instead of the driver then it should look like the update_ocn_f = false version dfresh = -rhoi(vi0new-vi0tmp)/dt , not dfresh = -rhoivi0new/dt.

njeffery commented 2 years ago

Maybe a flag that specified (ktherm == 1) or (ktherm ==2 and saltflux_option == prognostic) would work

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

My understanding of your use case is that update_ocn_f would be .false.? That's why we only apply the correction when update_ocn_f is .false.

njeffery commented 2 years ago

@dabail10 : Do you know of any other code that's impacted by update_ocn_f? Right now E3SM runs with update_ocn_f = true and switching to false would break mass/salt conservation without some code change.

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

I guess I am not understanding correctly. I'm not sure about other coupled models using update_ocn_f, maybe NOAA ... my understanding is that update_ocn_f = .true. means that the sea ice component computes the fluxes of freshwater and salt due to frazil formation. The ocean component computes it when update_ocn_f = .false. and then the sea ice component sends a correction for the "extra" frazil. The rationale for this is that the sea ice component would compute the freshwater and salt and use the ktherm == 2 actual salinity.

njeffery commented 2 years ago

That all makes sense to me. I'll look into why it's done differently in MPAS-seaice and make sure update_ocn_f hasn't taken on additional meaning.

dabail10 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @eclare108213 ! I was following the example of tfrz_option as you mention. Here we do minus1p8 instead of constant. I agree that it makes more sense to have a constant option for both and let the user assign the value. The issue with saltflux_option is that it is needed in the frazil ice (add_new_ice) in icepack_therm_itd.F90. It is also needed in the zap routines. The way I have it set up now is that update_ocn_f and saltflux_option are independent. You could imagine someone wants to actually do a prognostic salinity flux whether or not the ocean component is doing the freshwater and salt for frazil or not. Also, I would imagine that you could even want a prognostic salinity flux with ktherm == 1 or maybe a different constant value. I thought about doing something like only computing the prognostic salt flux when ktherm == 2.