CICE-Consortium / Icepack

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driver: icedrv_history: fix start time for NetCDF history output #426

Closed davidclemenssewall closed 1 year ago

davidclemenssewall commented 1 year ago

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apcraig commented 1 year ago

@davidclemenssewall, I'm curious about this fix. What was the problem exactly? Was the netcdf time axis off when starting at some time other than 00:00:00? If that's the case, I think a clearer fix would be to leave the netcdf time axis as before, relative to 00:00:00, but just update the calculation of the time values on the netcdf time axis. Does that make sense?

davidclemenssewall commented 1 year ago

@apcraig There were two issues here and the symptom of both of them was that NetCDF history output was always labelled as starting at YYYY-01-01 01:00:00 regardless of what value was set for istep0. For example, if we set istep0 = 4320, then the first time step should be YYYY-06-01 01:00:00. However, the netcdf history file created would still indicate that it started Jan. 01. If we look at the actual data values in that file it appears that it is correctly starting on Jun. 30 (e.g., fsw is not zero).

I've implemented the time value calculation as you've suggested (see most recent commit). Note that with this change the idate0 variable is actually no longer used anywhere in the code and it was kind of misleading anyways so I've removed it. Also, for the netCDF history files the year was restricted to be a four digit number, which didn't seem to have any purpose (netCDF and cftime don't have this restriction). So I removed that restriction as well.

apcraig commented 1 year ago

@davidclemenssewall, thanks for the latest updates. These kind of changes always scare me. The calendar is very delicate in general. In fact, the CICE time manager was refactored a while ago, but those changes were not pushed back into the icepack driver. How much testing have you done? I will also run a full test suite just to make sure everything still runs fine.

apcraig commented 1 year ago

Full test suite on cheyenne passes bit-for-bit,

davidclemenssewall commented 1 year ago

@apcraig I ran the Icepack base_suite and the CICE quick_suite (both of which all passed). I also did a number of sanity checks of what time range output should cover with different values of istep0 and npt. The changes in icedrv_history only impact the history output, so there shouldn't be any risk of them impacting the rest of the calendar.

In icedrv_calendar, the only change is to cause this line (call sec2time(nyr,month,mday,basis_seconds+time)) to actually have the effect that the comment above it says that it should. That is, before changing 'sec' to 'time' in the final argument that line always set month and mday to both be 1, regardless of the value of istep0. I don't think fixing that could damage the calendar, but I'm only just getting to know this code base so I'm not sure what to check.

apcraig commented 1 year ago

I know the test suite runs fine. Just to confirm that you tested some cases where the start date/istep/npt were offset and you've confirmed this fix works fine in those cases too?

davidclemenssewall commented 1 year ago

I tried a couple different combinations of istep0 and npt and confirmed that the history files started at the right times and had the correct number of rows. I also spot checked some of the forcing variables (e.g., flw) to make sure that they looked the same at the same time of year independent of when istep0 was.

apcraig commented 1 year ago

Thanks @davidclemenssewall.

apcraig commented 1 year ago

The CICE time manager was rewritten a while ago, so it's different now. I think any fixes like this in the Icepack driver are probably OK now as then are no longer connected to coupling.