CICIC / gestioCI_butterfly_release

This is software for Cooperative management
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loading initial data #13

Open emwa opened 9 years ago

emwa commented 9 years ago

hay cierto follon para cargar una base de datos básica.

emwa commented 9 years ago

punto 1 resuelto: 450fe83cd2a98b4a15b58973bc8432e8d5574a83

emwa commented 9 years ago

punto 2... por ahora seguiremos tirando del sql

aleph1888 commented 9 years ago

Check for last Basic Butterfly release MPTT typed data, in dot sql file in Database project folder and talk to bum for further.

In order to create the MPTT tree forest, naturally, it is important apps migrating order. We have a script that uses some files to automatice butterfly migrating process, ask emwa about this and, if is your same case, use nice peewy user-friendly tool to import your current csv or data to gestioCI aka gestioCIimporter.

So, naturally, first makemigrations and migrate General, that is main basic mptt tree database app; then Welcome and Public Form, that manage membership from public people and selfemploying; and last Finances, that manage invoicing and period balance.

See makemigrations instructions.

aleph1888 commented 9 years ago

Don't migrate, by now, any other app as may be for advanced use or development helping (like tools_upgrader app, that is to help with migrating v7 to v8; Cooper app, that is to manage Django Admin Site replication over de membersip coopers; Config app, that is main config project folder ). Ask for specific info on any of this tools if you pretend to use them.