CICM / HoaLibrary-PD

:sound: HoaLibrary for Pure Data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Export audio as an ambisonics compatible file. #6

Closed aristizabal95 closed 7 years ago

aristizabal95 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'm checking out your PD Library and looks awesome! I was wondering if there is any way an user can export the encoded ambisonics audio into a compatible file.

Right now, I'm interested on converting some mono audio into a .ambix file, and have looked everywhere for a library that would do this. Is it possible with this library?? Thanks

pierreguillot commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm working on a better compatibility of the library right now but I don't think we'll ever manage the creation of the ambisonics files. What you can do with the library is to encode a mono source into the spherical harmonics domain and to save with Pd the ambisonics channels but the library doesn't manage the file format and the metadata.

aristizabal95 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for answering, it's a shame there is no way to export the encoded audio directly from pd, I will try exporting each individual channel from the matrix and building the file myself. Thanks again!