CIFASIS / QuickFuzz

An experimental grammar fuzzer in Haskell using QuickCheck
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unify standard out/error behavior #53

Closed varnerac closed 7 years ago

varnerac commented 8 years ago

The standard out or error is handled differently when QuickFuzz sends generated content to the target's standard in. I think the user feedback should be the same in either mode.

varnerac$ QuickFuzz Gif "giffix" -a zzuf -t 25 -s 10
+++ OK, passed 25 tests
varnerac$ QuickFuzz Gif "giffix @@" -a zzuf -t 25 -s 10
(0 tests)
Following unrecoverable error occured:
GIF-LIB error: Wrong record type detected.

        NETSCAPE2.;(1 test) 
Following unrecoverable error occured:
GIF-LIB error: Wrong record type detected.
GIF87a?;(2 tests)
gaa-cifasis commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed in the re-implemented version.