CIGLR-ai-lab / GreatLakes-TempSensors

Collaborative repository for optimizing the placement of temperature sensors in the Great Lakes using the DeepSensor machine learning framework. Aiming to enhance the quantitative understanding of surface temperature variability for better environmental monitoring and decision-making.
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CUDA Out of Memory Error: Recommendations and Debugging Steps #26

Closed DaniJonesOcean closed 2 months ago

DaniJonesOcean commented 2 months ago

CUDA Out of Memory Error: Recommendations and Debugging Steps

Issue Description

We're encountering a CUDA out of memory error while running iyr model training and prediction on GPUs. The error message is as follows:

OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 5.25 GiB. GPU" with 1 GPU, and 15.75 GiB with 4 GPUs


Imports and Setup

import logging

import deepsensor.torch
from import DataProcessor, TaskLoader
from deepsensor.model import ConvNP
from deepsensor.train import Trainer

import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm import notebook
from deepsensor.train import set_gpu_default_device

# Memory profiling helper
import torch
def print_memory_usage():
    print(f"Allocated: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1024**3} GB")
    print(f"Cached: {torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**3} GB")

Data Preparation

dat15 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat14 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat16 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'

dat = xr.open_mfdataset([dat14, dat15, dat16],
                                chunks={'lat': 'auto', 'lon': 'auto'})

mdat = dat.where(np.isnan(dat.sst) == False, -0.009)
climatology = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear').mean('time')
anomalies = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear') - climatology

data_processor = DataProcessor(x1_name="lat", x2_name="lon")
anom_ds = data_processor(anomalies)

task_loader = TaskLoader(
    context = anom_ds,
    target = anom_ds, 

Task Generation & Model Training

def compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks):
    errors = []
    target_var_ID = task_loader.target_var_IDs[0][0]  # assume 1st target set and 1D
    for task in np.random.choice(val_tasks, 50, replace=False):
        # Retrieve true values and predictions
        mean = data_processor.map_array(model.mean(task), target_var_ID, unnorm=True)
        true = data_processor.map_array(task["Y_t"][0], target_var_ID, unnorm=True)
        errors.extend(np.abs(mean - true))
    return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.concatenate(errors) ** 2))

def gen_tasks(dates, progress=True):
    tasks = []
    for date in notebook.tqdm(dates, disable=not progress):
        task = task_loader(date, context_sampling=["all"], target_sampling="all")
    return tasks

train_tasks = []
for date in pd.date_range('2015-01-02', '2015-12-31')[::5]:
    task = task_loader(date, context_sampling="all", target_sampling="all")

val_tasks = []
for date in pd.date_range('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31'):
    task = task_loader(date, context_sampling="all", target_sampling="all")


# Initialize model
model = ConvNP(data_processor, task_loader)

# Setting up Mixed Precision Training
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast

scaler = GradScaler()

# Training Loop
trainer = Trainer(model, lr=5e-5)
losses = []
val_rmses = []
val_rmse_best = np.inf

for epoch in range(10):
    print("Epoch:", epoch)

    train_tasks = gen_tasks(pd.date_range('2015-01-02', '2015-12-31')[::5], progress=False)

    # Log memory usage

    batch_losses = []
    for task in train_tasks:
        with autocast():
            loss = model(task)

    # Log memory usage

    val_rmses.append(compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks))
    if val_rmses[-1] < val_rmse_best:
        val_rmse_best = val_rmses[-1]

    torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear cache regularly to prevent OOM


# Test Task Prediction with reduced samples
test_task = task_loader("2016-07-19T12:00:00", context_sampling=["all"], seed_override=42)
pred = model.predict(test_task, X_t=anomalies, n_samples=1, ar_sample=True, ar_subsample_factor=20)

Recommendations for Reducing CUDA Out of Memory Errors

  1. Reduce Batch Size: Decreasing the batch size can significantly reduce memory usage.
  2. Reduce Model Complexity: Simplify the model by decreasing the number of layers or neurons.
  3. Optimize Data Loading: Ensure efficient data structures and formats are being used.
  4. Use Mixed Precision Training: Libraries like Apex from NVIDIA can be used for this.
  5. Profile Memory Usage: Utilize functions like torch.cuda.memory_summary() to understand memory usage.
  6. Clear Cache Regularly: Use torch.cuda.empty_cache() to clear unused memory spaces.

Logging Memory Usage

import torch

def print_memory_usage():
    print(f"Allocated: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1024**3} GB")
    print(f"Cached: {torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**3} GB")

# Example usage:

Reducing Context Sampling Size

Modify the gen_tasks function to potentially reduce memory usage:

def gen_tasks(dates, progress=True):
    tasks = []
    for date in notebook.tqdm(dates, disable=not progress):
        task = task_loader(date, context_sampling=["all"], target_sampling="all")
    return tasks

Concepts Highlighted in Code:

  1. Model Complexity:

    model = ConvNP(data_processor, task_loader, reduction_factor=2)  # Hypothetical argument to control complexity
  2. Mixed Precision Training:

    from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast
    scaler = GradScaler()
    for epoch in range(10):
       train_tasks = gen_tasks(pd.date_range(train_range[0], train_range[1])[::5], progress=False)
       for task in train_tasks:
           with autocast():
               loss = model(task)
  3. Clear Cache Regularly:

    for epoch in range(10):
       train_tasks = gen_tasks(pd.date_range(train_range[0], train_range[1])[::5], progress=False)
       batch_losses = trainer(train_tasks)
       val_rmses.append(compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks))
       if val_rmses[-1] < val_rmse_best:
           val_rmse_best = val_rmses[-1]

Testing Prediction with Reduced Samples:

test_task = task_loader("2016-07-19T12:00:00", context_sampling=["all"], seed_override=42)
pred = model.predict(test_task, X_t=anomalies, n_samples=1, ar_sample=True, ar_subsample_factor=20)
DaniJonesOcean commented 2 months ago

Debugging CUDA Out of Memory (OOM) Errors

Based on the traceback, the CUDA OOM error occurs during the prediction stage when sampling from the model, specifically within the ar_sample method. The ar_sample method calls run_nps_model_ar, which in turn is running auto-regressive (AR) predictions that consume a lot of memory. This is a plausible scenario, as AR sampling can be memory-intensive.

Steps to Address the Issue

  1. Reduce the Number of Samples: If memory is the problem, reducing the number of samples (n_samples) can significantly decrease memory usage.

  2. Reduce the Subsample Factor: Lowering ar_subsample_factor will reduce the computation required for each sample, thereby decreasing memory footprint.

  3. Memory Profiling: Use memory profiling before and after important calls to identify where the memory spikes occur.

  4. Clear CUDA Cache: Use torch.cuda.empty_cache() regularly to free up unused memory.

  5. Mixed Precision Training: Implement mixed precision to save memory during operations.

Updated Example Code

Here's an implementation with these steps:

import logging
import torch
import warnings
import deepsensor.torch
from import DataProcessor, TaskLoader
from deepsensor.model import ConvNP
from deepsensor.train import Trainer
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm, notebook
from deepsensor.train import set_gpu_default_device

def print_memory_usage():
    print(f"Allocated: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1024**3:.4f} GB")
    print(f"Reserved: {torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**3:.4f} GB")

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=plum.resolver.MethodRedefinitionWarning)

dat15 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat14 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat16 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'

dat = xr.open_mfdataset([dat14, dat15, dat16],
                        chunks={'lat': 'auto', 'lon': 'auto'})

mdat = dat.where(np.isnan(dat.sst) == False, -0.009)
climatology = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear').mean('time')
anomalies = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear') - climatology

data_processor = DataProcessor(x1_name="lat", x2_name="lon")
anom_ds = data_processor(anomalies)

task_loader = TaskLoader(
    context = anom_ds,
    target = anom_ds, 

train_tasks = []
for date in pd.date_range('2015-01-02', '2015-12-31')[::5]:
    task = task_loader(date, context_sampling="all", target_sampling="all")

val_tasks = []
for date in pd.date_range('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31'):
    task = task_loader(date, context_sampling="all", target_sampling="all")


# Mixed Precision Training
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast

scaler = GradScaler()
model = ConvNP(data_processor, task_loader)

# Training Loop
trainer = Trainer(model, lr=5e-5)
losses = []
val_rmses = []
val_rmse_best = np.inf

for epoch in range(10):
    train_tasks = gen_tasks(pd.date_range('2015-01-02', '2015-12-31')[::5], progress=False)

    # Log memory usage

    batch_losses = []
    for task in train_tasks:
        with autocast():
            loss = model(task)

    # Log memory usage

    val_rmses.append(compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks))
    if val_rmses[-1] < val_rmse_best:
        val_rmse_best = val_rmses[-1]

    torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear cache regularly to prevent OOM

# Prediction
print_memory_usage()  # Check GPU memory before prediction
test_task = task_loader("2016-07-19T12:00:00", context_sampling=["all"], seed_override=42)
pred = model.predict(test_task, X_t=anomalies, n_samples=1, ar_sample=True, ar_subsample_factor=20)  # Reduced n_samples and ar_subsample_factor to lower memory usage
print_memory_usage()  # Check GPU memory after prediction


  1. Reduced n_samples:

    pred = model.predict(test_task, X_t=anomalies, n_samples=1, ar_sample=True, ar_subsample_factor=20)
  2. Memory Usage Logging: Memory usage is logged before and after crucial steps to understand where the memory usage is peaking.

  3. Clearing Cache: torch.cuda.empty_cache() is called frequently to clear unused memory.

  4. Mixed Precision Training: Uses autocast and GradScaler for mixed precision training to reduce memory usage during operations.

Reporting to Repository Maintainers

If the issue persists despite these mitigations, it could be helpful to report the problem to the maintainers of the relevant libraries (deepsensor, plum, etc.).

DaniJonesOcean commented 2 months ago

Found a relevant Stackoverflow post:

DaniJonesOcean commented 2 months ago

Updated sample code

import logging
import torch
import warnings
import deepsensor.torch
from import DataProcessor, TaskLoader
from deepsensor.model import ConvNP
from deepsensor.train import Trainer
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm  # Changed to terminal-based tqdm
from deepsensor.train import set_gpu_default_device
import plum  # Import plum library

def print_memory_usage():
    print(f"Allocated: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1024**3:.4f} GB")
    print(f"Reserved: {torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**3:.4f} GB")

# Define the compute_val_rmse() function
def compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks):
    if not val_tasks:  # Check if val_tasks is empty
        print("Validation tasks are empty!")
        return np.nan  # Handle case when val_tasks is empty

    errors = []
    target_var_ID = task_loader.target_var_IDs[0][0]  # assume 1st target set and 1D
    for task in np.random.choice(val_tasks, min(50, len(val_tasks)), replace=False):
        mean = data_processor.map_array(model.mean(task), target_var_ID, unnorm=True)
        true = data_processor.map_array(task["Y_t"][0], target_var_ID, unnorm=True)
        errors.extend(np.abs(mean - true))
    if errors:
        return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.concatenate(errors) ** 2))
        return np.nan  # Handle case when errors is empty

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=plum.resolver.MethodRedefinitionWarning)

dat15 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat14 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'
dat16 ='/nfs/turbo/seas-dannes/SST-sensor-placement-input/GLSEA3_NETCDF/'

dat = xr.open_mfdataset([dat14, dat15, dat16],
                        chunks={'lat': 'auto', 'lon': 'auto'})

mdat = dat.where(np.isnan(dat.sst) == False, -0.009)
climatology = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear').mean('time')
anomalies = mdat.groupby('time.dayofyear') - climatology

data_processor = DataProcessor(x1_name="lat", x2_name="lon")
anom_ds = data_processor(anomalies)

task_loader = TaskLoader(
    context = anom_ds,
    target = anom_ds, 

# Debugging: Print available dates
available_dates = pd.to_datetime(dat['time'].values)
available_dates_set = set(available_dates)
print("Available dates in dataset:", available_dates)

# Filter pd.date_range to only include available dates
def filter_available_dates(dates):
    return dates[dates.isin(available_dates_set)]

# Example to filter dates
filtered_train_dates = filter_available_dates(pd.date_range('2015-01-02', '2015-12-31')[::5])
filtered_val_dates = filter_available_dates(pd.date_range('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31'))

print("Filtered train dates:", filtered_train_dates)
print("Filtered val dates:", filtered_val_dates)

def gen_tasks(dates, progress=True):
    tasks = []
    for date in tqdm(dates, disable=not progress):  # Changed to tqdm
        task = task_loader(date, context_sampling=["all"], target_sampling="all")
    return tasks

train_tasks = gen_tasks(filtered_train_dates, progress=True)
val_tasks = gen_tasks(filtered_val_dates, progress=True)
print(f"Number of training tasks: {len(train_tasks)}")
print(f"Number of validation tasks: {len(val_tasks)}")


# Mixed Precision Training
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast

scaler = GradScaler()
model = ConvNP(data_processor, task_loader)

# Training Loop
trainer = Trainer(model, lr=5e-5)
losses = []
val_rmses = []
val_rmse_best = np.inf

for epoch in range(10):
    train_tasks = gen_tasks(filtered_train_dates, progress=False)

    # Log memory usage

    batch_losses = []
    for task in train_tasks:
        with autocast():
            loss = model(task)

    # Log memory usage

    rmse = compute_val_rmse(model, val_tasks)
    if not np.isnan(rmse) and rmse < val_rmse_best:
        val_rmse_best = rmse

    torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear cache regularly to prevent OOM

# Prediction
print_memory_usage()  # Check GPU memory before prediction
test_task = task_loader("2016-07-19T12:00:00", context_sampling=["all"], seed_override=42)
pred = model.predict(test_task, X_t=anomalies, n_samples=1, ar_sample=True, ar_subsample_factor=20)  # Reduced n_samples and ar_subsample_factor to lower memory usage
print_memory_usage()  # Check GPU memory after prediction
DaniJonesOcean commented 2 months ago

Closing due to putting the AR sampling on the back-burner