CIIR / Proteus

Million Book Project
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Filtering & recommendation #86

Open jiepujiang opened 9 years ago

jiepujiang commented 9 years ago

I think the current system incorporates most search functionality I need. However, I know nothing about "slavery in the Caribbean Islands between the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807 and the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833". So what am I supposed to do in order to get started? I cannot even think of a query to search for.

I think the system shouldn't shows nothing after I logged in. Before I submit any query, the system can recommend things to me proactively. Here's a few possible things to be put on a start page:

  1. Things (e.g., clicked or judged documents, search queries, and entities being searched for) that are popular among all other users in general.
  2. Things that are popular specifically among my collaborators. The collaborators can be explicit (e.g., people in the same email domain) or implicit (e.g., those who searched queries similar to my queries, those who rated on the documents that I also rated on).
  3. Things that are likely to satisfy my past interests (e.g., based on my past queries and labels, and the content of the clicked, rated, and labeled results).
  4. Updates on items I interacted with. For example, if I previously rated or labeled a book, the system can notify me other users' latest ratings, labels, and comments on the book.
  5. The start page can be personalized as to each collection.