CIMH-Clinical-Psychology / EMO_REACT

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ERP of Emotional Processing (Literature Research) #6

Open esmondo opened 1 year ago

esmondo commented 1 year ago

Some journals below can be found in this paper compilation

esmondo commented 1 year ago

Dissociable Effects of Valence and Arousal on Different Subtypes of Old/New Effect: Evidence from Event-Related


esmondo commented 1 year ago

Affective picture processing: An integrative review of ERP findings



The primary affective dimensions of valence and arousal influence ERP amplitudes at several processing stages that occur at separate and overlapping latencies.

  • Valence effects were mainly found at short latencies (100-300ms) indexed by P3b subcomponent, the rapid selective attention processes within the “negativity bias”.
  • ERP valence effects are less consistently obtained than arousal effects.
  • Arousal effects elicit a positive-going waveform from about 200 ms until stimulus offset, consistently obtained but varies with task relevance within the P300 range.
  • Motivational stimuli facilitate processing for subsequent memory storage at longer latencies
  • ERP arousal effects can be inhibited by emotional reappraisal and task instructions, especially at longer latencies.
esmondo commented 1 year ago

The selective processing of briefly presented affective pictures: An ERP analysis


Previous findings:

Research Question / Hypothesis:

Methods (research design, participants, procedures

Current Findings:

esmondo commented 1 year ago

Affective ERP Processing in a Visual Oddball Task: Arousal, Valence, and Gender.


Previous findings:

Research Question / Hypothesis / Objective: The study aimed to investigate how valence and arousal levels of images affect brain responses, using an oddball paradigm with both male and female participants. The hypothesis was that valence would affect early ERP components, arousal would affect later ERP components, and gender would influence the magnitude of these effects.


Main findings / conclusion:

esmondo commented 1 year ago

The effect of arousal on regulation of negative emotions using cognitive reappraisal: An ERP study


Background / Previous Findings:

Research Question / Hypothesis / Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate how stimulus arousal affects the success of cognitive reappraisal, a popular emotion regulation strategy, by analyzing self-reported valence and Late Positive Potential (LPP) amplitude.


Main findings/conclusion:

esmondo commented 1 year ago

Event-Related Potentials, Emotion, and Emotion Regulation: An Integrative Review


Review Highlights: