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Use Case: CZO Community: bedload tracer experiments in the field and related studies #1

Open hsu000001 opened 9 years ago

hsu000001 commented 9 years ago

Use Case: CZO Community: Find data from all bedload tracer experiments in the field, and any other studies done at those locations.

  1. bedload is found in USGS vocabulary at at USGS:
  2. find correlated terms in the abstracts
  3. see if bedload and correlated terms exist in other vocabularies as well
  4. we need to have this vocabulary registered in SciCrunch
  5. This will let us to navigate to sediment transport
  6. Now search CINERGI for sediment transport and for bed load → find datasets and see if they are sufficient
  7. Also search AGU abstracts for both terms → find abstracts, and associated people, organizations, keywords, AGU sections


    Text parse:

‘Find’ => provide a list of resource descriptions ‘data’ == observation result ‘experiment’ == observation ‘data from ...experiments’ => resouce of interest is observation results ‘bedload tracer’ == phenomenon of interest (what is wanted is not actually clear--this requires background knowledge to resolve) ‘in the field’ => sampling feature is a naturally occurring feature (not a laboratory feature like a flume) ‘study’ => resource (an accessible representation of some research) ‘’ => resources with a target extent that overlaps location of any ‘Find’ result. This might be a sampling feature extent or a feature of interest extent.


Find observation datasets with [phenomenon IsA bedload tracer](this require some concept expansion) AND [sampling feature IsA natural feature] For each dataset select observations where [phenomenon IsA bedload tracer] For each observation get sampled feature location For each location find resources where [resource extent Overlaps the location] Detail: if resource a dataset, select features or observations in the dataset where [feature of interest OR sampling feature extent Overlaps the location]

smrgeoinfo commented 9 years ago

@amarnath will explore with @hsu000001 offline. Capabilities exercised: iterative search, benefit of enhancers and ontologies to value added search (more complete discovery). Address data heterogeneity (labeling of 'bedload tracer experiment')

bedload-tracer experiment: tag clasts in a channel, and see where they go over some period of time. Trying to measure how fast/far material is carried by the river; typically associated with variou steam flow events. There is not alot of this data, so generalize 'bedload tracer experiment' in original language to 'sediment transport experiment/observation' [2015-03-04]

may not have data sources for bedload tracer data; there should be CZO datasets we could harvest to run this. “at that location”-- CZO site, vicinity of site. need to infer location of experiment (one location per dataset? or multiple experiments in datasets)