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Use case: BiG CZ SSI - all co-located soil microbial community and trace gas flux measurements #13

Open emmaaronson opened 9 years ago

emmaaronson commented 9 years ago

In order to examine the relationship between soil microbial communities and trace gas fluxes across the soil-atmosphere interface, I want to collect all co-located measurements of these two kinds. I want to limit my database to only those that were collected in the same ecosystem or vegetation type within 1 mile of each other, and within 2 years of each other. If there are multiple measurements of both types, I want them paired by first closeness in terms of distance, and then by closeness in terms of time.

smrgeoinfo commented 9 years ago

would have to mine for geospatially located metagenomes, create metdata records for those in CINERGI; Emma Aronson would need to ferret out some flux data with hope that some flux data may be appropriately close to a metagenome sample. [for now look at other possibilities...]