CIOSC / CAS-Digital-Trust

Conformity Assessment Scheme: Digital Trust for Public Sector Bodies, Regulated Programs, and Industry Services
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Neil Comments on Conformance docs in this Repo #7

Open neiljthomson opened 1 year ago

neiljthomson commented 1 year ago

Comments on: Conformance for CIOSC-103-1

Comments are organized mostly around the GitHub file names (.md files)


Line #15 - Regulated Programs

Line #37 - Scope of Schema

General comments

General comment is the diagrams are not entirely in sync with each other (understanding that these are early drafts) - names of the parts, acronyms and their relationships are not consistent across the different diagrams. Possibly consolidate?

The following is a partial alternative diagram to the one in the "Accreditation Process" diagram:

Alternative Diagram

I was expecting to see the following parties 1st (producer of products and services), 2nd (consumer) and 3rd (independent assessment organization). I see ABs (listed as Accredited Certification Bodies), but don't see Schema Owners (SOs) or Conformance Assessment Bodies (CABs).

General comments

Specific comments

No mention of specific assessment methods (e.g., test, inspection), which, pragmatically, impacts the rigor/quality of the "audit methods"/assessment process.

Given that "conformance testing" of automobiles and aircraft are specifically required to pass "crash tests" of various types, what would be the context for general conformance compliance - or are vehicles outside the scope of Conformance Compliance for software? 

Useful documents (outside the docs in GitHub)


A pass at understanding the related components, their purpose, acronyms, etc.

trbouma commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Neil. I will be going through your comments in detail.