CIRCL / AIL-framework

AIL framework - Analysis Information Leak framework. Project moved to
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.3k stars 282 forks source link

Upgrade to 2.5 failed #423

Closed xme closed 4 years ago

xme commented 4 years ago
# git ls-remote --tags
58355126313a195550b733117010853326aea23c    refs/tags/rm
edcfb4fcaa67462d3e004454d5dcc238d0a6889f    refs/tags/rm^{}
d54bade099fb91e276c357dae672be334838c4f5    refs/tags/v0.90
21f3a7c0575531cbfcd65dc9933d02c98073e9f7    refs/tags/v0.90^{}
236970fde8833a50601aa8e8c62db4e7343f5840    refs/tags/v1.0
36e79f2f30fe9e6384ac6c42e4c9113b475b2ffb    refs/tags/v1.0^{}

So, when I'm trying to re-launch:

  File "/opt/AIL-framework//bin/", line 349, in <module>
    list_upper_tags_remote = get_git_upper_tags_remote(current_tag[1:], is_fork)
  File "/opt/AIL-framework//bin/", line 180, in get_git_upper_tags_remote
    if float(tag.split('^{}')[0][1:]) >= float(current_tag):
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'm'
xme commented 4 years ago

Temporary fix for me:

if tag.split('^{}')[0][1:] != 'm' and float(tag.split('^{}')[0][1:]) >= float(current_tag):
xme commented 4 years ago

Now, I get this error on all pages (after successful authentication):

                                  ,d8       ,a8888a,     ad888888b,
                                ,d888     ,8P"'  `"Y8,  d8"     "88
                              ,d8" 88    ,8P        Y8,         a8P
                            ,d8"   88    88          88      aad8"
                          ,d8"     88    88          88      ""Y8,
                          8888888888888  `8b        d8'         "8b
                                   88     `8ba,  ,ad8'  Y8,     a88
                                   88       "Y8888P"     "Y888888P'

88888888888                       88           88           88           88
88                                88           ""           88           88
88                                88                        88           88
88aaaaa   ,adPPYba,   8b,dPPYba,  88,dPPYba,   88   ,adPPYb,88   ,adPPYb,88   ,adPPYba,  8b,dPPYba,
88"""""  a8"     "8a  88P'   "Y8  88P'    "8a  88  a8"    `Y88  a8"    `Y88  a8P_____88  88P'   `"8a
88       8b       d8  88          88       d8  88  8b       88  8b       88  8PP"""""""  88       88
88       "8a,   ,a8"  88          88b,   ,a8"  88  "8a,   ,d88  "8a,   ,d88  "8b,   ,aa  88       88
88        `"YbbdP"'   88          8Y"Ybbd8"'   88   `"8bbdP"Y8   `"8bbdP"Y8   `"Ybbd8"'  88       88
Terrtia commented 4 years ago

hey @xme !

We removed the rm tag

you need to relaunch the Update script (with ARDB and Redis running):

. ./AILENV/bin/activate
cd update/v2.5/
xme commented 4 years ago

Fixed! Tx!

Terrtia commented 4 years ago

We added a new check in the Updater (to make sure it doesn't append anymore) bff9b45c26832815eb3086a80e25fae151ccc7a2