CHRONI is a mobile application that is being developed using Ionic, a cross platform app development framework.
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Suggestion: aliquot choosing #90

Open noahmclean opened 7 years ago

noahmclean commented 7 years ago

I have a suggestion, based on the way I use and view my own data.

In the field, each of my samples gets an in-house sample number that I use to identify the sample, for instance when I'm making measurements, looking at data, and writing papers. The sample numbers have a project code and are assigned sequentially -- for instance, everything I collect in the North Cascades starts with NC, with the first sample being NC-01. By the time I'm interpreting data, I know my sample numbers by heart. IGSNs are not like this -- they are long, there are no project-specific identifiers or patterns, and I don't use them from day to day.

This makes the aliquot selection by typing in an IGSN method pretty clunky. I have to go login to elsewhere, look through my sample numbers and data, find the IGSN that I'm after, repeat it under my breath a few times so that I know all the digits, then type it into CHRONI. Can you all think of a better way to do this?

What about querying geochron for all my samples when I log in with my credentials, then showing me a list of all of the samples I own? That would be a great start. Each row in this table might have a button to download and add it to my 'Library' on my iPhone or mobile device, where I could then access it and view the data. Maybe each row of my geochron samples would have a second button for both downloading and viewing (so I don't have to do some navigation through the app if I just want to download and view one sample).

You could create another table of public aliquots that are the results of a Geochron search. The 'General Search Interface' would be a good place to start for search criteria, even if you can't use all the categories (e.g. location might be difficult).

Whatever you come up with, any way to avoid typing in IGSNs would be greatly appreciated!