Squid3 is being developed by the Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for the Earth Sciences ( at the College of Charleston, Charleston, SC and Geoscience Australia as a re-implementation in Java of Ken Ludwig's Squid 2.5. - please contribute your expertise!
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Loss of match between data and task isotope labels when editing task, no matter the edit #506

Closed NicoleRayner closed 4 years ago

NicoleRayner commented 4 years ago

If you are in the task editor and you select "replace then view current task", even if you have not made any changes to the task, you will lose the "match" in Manage Isotopes between the data and task labels. If it were possible to set this us so that any change to the task that did NOT involve adding/removing isotopes/background ID preserved the match in Manage Isotopes, that would be great. Obviously if any isotope is added/removed or the background ID has changed (basically any action under Mass Labels), then action in Manage Isotopes will be required.

bowring commented 4 years ago

Can do - the nice thing is you can edit the task meta data (name etc) right from the view page anyway without jumping those hoops!

bowring commented 4 years ago

handled in release v.1.5.11