Squid3 is being developed by the Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for the Earth Sciences ( at the College of Charleston, Charleston, SC and Geoscience Australia as a re-implementation in Java of Ken Ludwig's Squid 2.5. - please contribute your expertise!
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XML opened in Squid3 and saved as XML does not open in Squid2.5 #580

Closed cwmagee closed 3 years ago

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

Following on from the previous iteration of this issue, backwards xml compatibility still doesn't work (using the version of Squid 2.5 currently installed on the GA SHRIMP LIMS computer). File "100157_GA6148NKunopened" opened fine in both Squid 3 and Squid 2.5 File "100157_GA6148NKunopened-Squid3172" was saved as xml from Squid3 1.72, and does not open in Squid 2.5 source and save

Before and after xml files uploaded below:

sbodorkos commented 3 years ago

Do you recall what (if any) the SQUID 2.50 error message was? I'll investigate over the next couple of days.

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

Attached errormsg

sbodorkos commented 3 years ago

I eyeballed the Squid3-generated XML in Notepad++, and didn't spot anything obvious... but that was because it was too obvious! SQUID 2.50 was telling me the file contained only 1 line, and still the penny didn't drop...

Here is a screenshot of the first part of Squid3-1.7.2-generated Prawn XML output from Chuck's ZIP, opened in Notepad++:


The issue is the paired carriage-return [CR] and line-feed [LF] at the end of each line - those need to be line-feed only. Jim @bowring, could you please address this one in the next release?

bowring commented 3 years ago

Squid3 only generates the end-of-line character "\n" or LF, which is the Unix standard. Windows uses "\r\n" or CRLF. The likely source of the CRLF in this case is that @cwmagee opened and saved the XML file on a Windows machine and got the Windows flavor before giving it to Squid25. Please confirm.

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

It was saved from squid3 as xml, copied to a stick, taken downstairs, and opened directly from the stick drive on the lins computer.

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

The computer running squid3 is Win10, the LIMS computer is Win7.

bowring commented 3 years ago

Copying it must have changed it as I just ran Squid3 on a Win10 machine and checked the output in XML and it only has "\n" or LF as required. Do the same on your file before it is ever moved or saved by another application.

bowring commented 3 years ago

Now I have a confusing scenario - I tried another win10 machine and got an opposite result, namely CRLF. So I am going to experiment and see if I can force it. Otherwise, it will be a user-be-warned scenario where you need to go into the file and convert it to use with Squid25. Stand by.

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

Squid 2.5 won't run in win10, so it has to be copied somewhere. I can try saving directly to the stick...

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

Saving to and opening from the stick without resaving the file does not resolve the issue. File attached (although it will obviously have been copied to get here)

cwmagee commented 3 years ago

Works on our end now.