Squid3 is being developed by the Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for the Earth Sciences (CIRDLES.org) at the College of Charleston, Charleston, SC and Geoscience Australia as a re-implementation in Java of Ken Ludwig's Squid 2.5. - please contribute your expertise!
This is such a trivial issue (especially in light of the random number thing) but I am re-reducing some very old .op data and I need to add notes to the Project Notes field. The text box does not implement Word Wrap however so I need to scroll to be able to read my notes (or add carriage returns mid-sentence). Word wrap would be a big help. Thanks, your squid3 Tinkerer.
This is such a trivial issue (especially in light of the random number thing) but I am re-reducing some very old .op data and I need to add notes to the Project Notes field. The text box does not implement Word Wrap however so I need to scroll to be able to read my notes (or add carriage returns mid-sentence). Word wrap would be a big help. Thanks, your squid3 Tinkerer.