CIRDLES / Tripoli

Tripoli imports raw mass spectrometer data files and supports interactive review and archiving of isotopic data. Tripoli facilitates visualization of temporal trends and scatter during measurement, statistically rigorous filtering of data, and calculation of statistical parameters.
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Data visualization: Scale to fit block #178

Closed noahmclean closed 8 months ago

noahmclean commented 8 months ago

In "OnPeak Intensities by Time" tab for Preview/Review, the following behavior results in a plot that does not match menu choices:

With multiple species selected and plotted (e.g., all Pb isotopes for an NBS981 Pb analyses), right-clicking on a block and selecting "Sculpt this Block" results in correctly re-sizing and locking the x-axis limits. However, the data points plotted now only belong to the first species listed (e.g., 204Pb for that NBS981 analysis), even though all the other species' checkboxes remain selected.

The correct behavior upon choosing "Sculpt this Block" should be that all the original menu settings (species, collectors, units, corrections, log-y-axis) carry over to the block view, with only the x-axis limits changing.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 9 52 33 AM
bowring commented 8 months ago

ALSO note that the intended behavior is that you can only sculpt one isotope at a time.

noahmclean commented 8 months ago

Oh interesting... I would have guessed that you can sculpt any of the displayed isotopes, just so that you can visualize as much data at once instead of having to click through each isotope for each block to make any data rejection necessary.

One use case for data rejection is that the ion source (filament or plasma/sample introduction system) takes an 'excursion' and produces a short time of bad/unusable data for all isotopes. In this case, a user may want to reject the same one or ten or twenty seconds of data from all species.

Drawing a box around that time period with all isotope intensities plotted would be a nice way to do this visually -- you could see when the excursion started and stopped. The excursion may have a subtler influence on isotope ratios, and therefore be harder to identify and reject from the "Ratios by Cycles and Blocks" tab.

bowring commented 8 months ago

Two problems:

  1. sometimes the isotopes plot over each other such as 207 and 208 in "y-space"
  2. more than one isotope has an intensity at the same time in "x-space", corresponding to the sequence table

One solution might be a button that synchs on time slots - any rejection rejects the others at the same time.

noahmclean commented 8 months ago

I don't see these two problems as insurmountable.

If you just want to reject 207 data and not 208 data, you could turn off the 208 data using its checkbox, then left-click-drag to draw a box around only the 207 data you wish to reject. You could then select a different subset of 208 data by turning off the 207 data and turning on the 208 data.

If you want to reject both 207 data and 208 data, you could check both boxes, then left-click-drag to draw a box around both sets of data to reject them both. It's okay, from a mass spectrometer user standpoint, if they overlap (i.e., they have the same intensity at the same time).

bowring commented 8 months ago

see v0.3.6 soon!