CIS565-Fall-2016 / Project5A-WebGL-Forward-Plus-Shading-with-glTF

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Scatter Approach Dilemma #1

Closed shrekshao closed 8 years ago

shrekshao commented 8 years ago

So I feel it a little embarrassing at this time to do scatter light culling with WebGL: no atomic op, no radix sort(implement one in shader? or use cpu sort per frame?) I'm switching to gather approach, which basically launch a thread per tile, each thread goes through all the lights in the scene and check which of them overlaps with cur tile.

Let me know if you have any ideas on this...

pjcozzi commented 8 years ago

Worse case, we can also change this project to be a tile-based deferred shader like Yuqin & Sijie.

I would prefer not to have to do any CPU workaround that would basically kill the performance.