CIS565-Fall-2016 / Project5A-WebGL-Forward-Plus-Shading-with-glTF

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Ready for review #3

Open shrekshao opened 7 years ago

shrekshao commented 7 years ago

@pjcozzi @likangning93

I think it's totally reasonable to discard this one if shipping the content in lecture is difficult. And also time is quite limited now. I can save it for myself and next year.

shrekshao commented 7 years ago

FYI, a performance comparison. Very coarse, not strictly controlling variables (e.g. deferred had a different setup for passing light info and quite a lot optimization, scene and camera are not exactly the same) .

shader FPS
forward 13
forward plus 23
forward plus with depth culling 17
deferred 5
deferred with scissor 33
deferred with sphere proxy 45
shrekshao commented 7 years ago ready for review. Delete implementation for assignment ready.