CITEI / Comunizika

An app to support teaching children with microcephaly due to the Zika virus disease
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Dashboard glitches #14

Open nickolasrm opened 1 year ago

nickolasrm commented 1 year ago

AdminJs components trigger their update whenever we fire an action such as focus and unfocusing an element. The custom component conditional_property was designed to make the field invisible according to another field's value. it has been done because of the node descriptors.

The problem with this component is that if any updates happen, it glitches the entire form and then makes conditional field visible/invisible again. it seems like a React state update problem.

Fix this problem by making it not glitch, and still keep its intended functionality

nickolasrm commented 1 year ago

Adicionei os dois pois o @deiveria será o responsável, mas o @cesarzxk tem mais experiência com React, então auxiliaria ele em caso de necessidade