CITGuru / PyInquirer

A Python module for common interactive command line user interfaces
MIT License
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Push new release to PyPi #137

Open danielsc opened 3 years ago

danielsc commented 3 years ago

It seems that the latest version on PyPi still depends on prompt_toolkit==1.0.14, whereas this repo seems to have moved to prompt_toolkit 3.0 on Jul 7 (which is great, since prompt_toolkit 1.x breaks iPython for me!). Could you push a new release to PyPi, so that i don't have to pip-install from the github repo?

Swoy commented 3 years ago

I would like to chime in that this causes havvok in my scripts when using style_from_dict in the latest PyPI version, since it complain about TypeErrors between str and _TokenType from prompt_tookit

If I install this by hand [pip install --upgrade prompt_toolkit==3.0], I get the following error: pyinquirer 1.0.3 requires prompt_toolkit==1.0.14, but you'll have prompt-toolkit 3.0.0 which is incompatible.

jessedp commented 3 years ago

Another request to finish this as a warning when running pytest also seems to potentially indicate a looming failure...

/home/jesse/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/prompt_toolkit/styles/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop working from collections import Mapping

Screenshot from 2020-10-25 20-44-49

SolebaySharp commented 3 years ago

I would also deeply appreciate it if the PyPi version could be updated to work with prompt_toolkit 3.0, as to install the older version of prompt_toolkit prevents the Hydrogen module from running in Atom and I cannot test my code. This will therefore also cause problems for anyone using Jupyter etc.

diVineProportion commented 3 years ago

In the meantime, just throw this into your requirments.txt and pip will retrieve it from the git repository rather than pypi.

pip can use github instead of pypi if defined in requirements.txt following url scheme:


so requirements.txt might look like:

pywin32 ;platform_system=='Windows'

pip install -r requirements.txt

or simply just pip install git+

Installing collected packages: wcwidth, prompt-toolkit, PyInquirer Running install for PyInquirer ... done Successfully installed PyInquirer-1.0.3 prompt-toolkit-3.0.14 wcwidth-0.2.5

walker-tx commented 3 years ago

Bump. Can we please get a release? It looks like many of the issues I have with this library have been committed to the repo. I use setuptools to manage requirements for my repo and the above suggestion does not seem to work.

diVineProportion commented 3 years ago

Bump. Can we please get a release? It looks like many of the issues I have with this library have been committed to the repo. I use setuptools to manage requirements for my repo and the above suggestion does not seem to work.

you trued this?

harsh183 commented 3 years ago

Another request to finish this as a warning when running pytest also seems to potentially indicate a looming failure...

I was getting this warning as well while using Python 3.8
