CITGuru / PyInquirer

A Python module for common interactive command line user interfaces
MIT License
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Loosen the version constraint of prompt_toolkitto avoid dependency #75

Closed NeolithEra closed 4 years ago

NeolithEra commented 4 years ago

Hi, PyInquirer locked the version constraint of _prompt_toolkitto _ as _prompttoolkitto==1.0.14, which leads to a troubling scenario that its direct downstream project [mqtt-sentinel,infraless, protomate] has to lock _prompttoolkitto.

Could you please loosen the version constraint of _prompt_toolkitto? Benefit of this is that users using both of [mqtt-sentinel,infraless, protomate] and prompt_toolkitto_ can upgrade their third party libraries in a timely manner to reduce technical debts.


The dependency trees of your project and affected downstream projects are shown as follows. Taking the version constraints of upstream and downstream projects into comprehensive consideration, you can

  1. Loosen prompt_toolkitto==1.0.14 be prompt_toolkitto>=1.0.14.
  2. Loosen prompt_toolkitto==1.0.14 be prompt_toolkitto==*.
  3. Try to add an upper bound for prompt_toolkitto version constraint, according to your compatibility.

@CITGuru Please let me know your choice. I can submit a PR to fix this issue.

Thanks for your attention. Best, Neolith

NeolithEra commented 4 years ago

Dependency tree-----

| +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==1.0.14)
| | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| +-pygments(version range:>=2.2.0)
| | +-coverage(version range:*)
| | +-nose(version range:*)
| | +-pyflakes(version range:*)
| | +-pylint(version range:*)
| | +-tox(version range:*)
| +-regex(version range:>=2016.11.21)
_**Direct downstream project:**_

| +-click(version range:==7.0)
| +-colorama(version range:==0.4.1)
| +-paho-mqtt(version range:==1.4.0)
| +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==1.0.14)
| | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| +-pyinquirer(version range:==1.0.3)
| | +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==1.0.14)
| | | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| | +-pygments(version range:>=2.2.0)
| | | +-coverage(version range:*)
| | | +-nose(version range:*)
| | | +-pyflakes(version range:*)
| | | +-pylint(version range:*)
| | | +-tox(version range:*)
| | +-regex(version range:>=2016.11.21)
| +-requests(version range:==2.21.0)
| | +-certifi(version range:>=2017.4.17)
| | +-chardet(version range:<3.1.0,>=3.0.2)
| | +-idna(version range:>=2.5,<2.9)
| | +-urllib3(version range:>=1.21.1,<1.25)
| +-astroid(version range:==2.2.5)
| +-cement(version range:==3.0.4)
| +-colorama(version range:==0.4.1)
| +-colorlog(version range:==4.0.2)
| +-entrypoints(version range:==0.3)
| +-flake8(version range:==3.7.7)
| +-isort(version range:==4.3.20)
| | +-backports-functools-lru-cache(version range:*)
| | +-futures(version range:*)
| +-jinja2(version range:==2.10.1)
| | +-markupsafe(version range:>=0.23)
| +-lazy-object-proxy(version range:==1.4.1)
| +-markupsafe(version range:==1.1.1)
| +-mccabe(version range:==0.6.1)
| +-pprint(version range:==0.1)
| +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==1.0.14)
| | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| +-pycodestyle(version range:==2.5.0)
| +-pyfiglet(version range:==0.8.post1)
| +-pyflakes(version range:==2.1.1)
| +-pygments(version range:==2.4.2)
| | +-coverage(version range:*)
| | +-nose(version range:*)
| | +-pyflakes(version range:*)
| | +-pylint(version range:*)
| | +-tox(version range:*)
| +-pyinquirer(version range:==1.0.3)
| | +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==1.0.14)
| | | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| | +-pygments(version range:>=2.2.0)
| | | +-coverage(version range:*)
| | | +-nose(version range:*)
| | | +-pyflakes(version range:*)
| | | +-pylint(version range:*)
| | | +-tox(version range:*)
| | +-regex(version range:>=2016.11.21)
| +-pylint(version range:==2.3.1)
| +-pyyaml(version range:==5.1.1)
| +-regex(version range:==2019.6.5)
| +-six(version range:==1.12.0)
| +-termcolor(version range:==1.1.0)
| +-typed-ast(version range:==1.4.0)
| +-wcwidth(version range:==0.1.7)
| +-wrapt(version range:==1.11.1)
| +-yapf(version range:==0.27.0)
| +-colorama(version range:==0.4.1)
| +-loguru(version range:==0.3.1)
| | +-colorama(version range:>=0.3.4)
| | +-win32-setctime(version range:>=1.0.0)
| +-prompt-toolkit(version range:==2.0.9)
| | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| +-pyfiglet(version range:==0.8.post1)
| +-pygithub(version range:==1.43.7)
| +-questionary(version range:==1.1.1)
| | +-prompt-toolkit(version range:<3,>=2.0)
| | | +-six(version range:>=1.9.0)
| | | +-wcwidth(version range:*)
| +-termcolor(version range:==1.1.0)
rickie95 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, this is kind of annoying, ipython installation update prompt-toolkit and now it's impossible to use pyinquirer. I should use a virtual environment but this is a very tight constraint and should be relaxed.

gbataille commented 4 years ago

👍 Actually that's what will make me not use this lib. I started but I can't work with this old prompt-toolkit that is not compatible with up-to-date ipython (among other things)

I tried to upgrade it and make a contribution but it's not 100% straightforward and I can't seem to run the tests in the repo. Most fail in the "fake PTY". So I'm not at all at ease to even try and touch it.

My solution for the moment has been to "steal" the 2-3 elements (list and confirm) that I needed, upgrade them and use the code directly. I'm not publishing a contribution because I have no idea if it works in the general case you are planning for. I just know it works in my specific one :(

tmbo commented 4 years ago

@gbataille another option would be to use - pretty much the same but support for promt toolkit 2 and 3.

gbataille commented 4 years ago

@tmbo thanks! I'll have a look. In the meantime I took the code here, upgrade it (at least to my need) and added a filter search in the list control by typing a prefix on the keyboard. You can see the code here And you can see the filtering in action there

CITGuru commented 4 years ago

This has been fixed now.