CIVICS / GreatBlockchainBakeOffOf2016

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Create wallet session for Akshith and Toronto Legal Hackers as part of “The Great Blockchain Bake Off of 2016” #1

Closed dazzaji closed 7 years ago

dazzaji commented 7 years ago

Update: Current idea is demo of CoinBase as "hybrid" solution for Blockchain and Payments

Note: The Smart Contract hybrid use case connected to "Loan" demonstrates something different - not focused on payment transaction rather focused on other legal terms and capabilities like evidence of a legal contract and trigger of a legal process such as repossession. Trigger may be non-playment in a bank account and API from bank or web-hook representing an event ingestible by an Oracle to trigger for example notice of default on loan or repossession request.

Create wallet session for Akshith and Toronto Legal Hackers as part of “The Great Blockchain Bake Off of 2016” (3:10pm Agenda Item for TRANSACT Tech Boston:

  1. Demo Top New/Crypo & Old/Fiat Digital Wallets to Rate/Evaluate Them (the “Bake-Off”) New: BitCoin and Ethereum Wallets (SuperSet of Wallets: Managed: (BitCoin Wallets Managed by CoinBase or Other Exchanges) Blockchain Not-Managed: (BitCoin Wallets Not Third-Party Managed Include) Bread: Multi-Sig Wallets: Old: Google, PayPal, Apple Pay, CU Wallet… other? See:
  2. Opportunity to Demo a Hybrid Wallet Concept (Akshith)
    • Show Crypto balances for bitcoin and/or ethereum and Fiat currency balances (ie in bank account and/or digital wallet if stored value, etc)
    • Allow Conversion
    • Demo some aspect of Payments
    • could be integration with Visa, Mastercard, etc (token-based standard… links to follow)
      • could be integration with ACH bank to bank transfers (see link above)
      • could be integration with API for Svcs like Paypal, Square, etc
      • (Please take a look at Circle and shout if you want to use and/or need any assist from them as they will be at and helping with the event on Sept 13th)
        • In a pinch, could be a GitHub app integration with 2 or more account eg: create file constituting an “invoice” in buyers GitHub repo and then (based on some event representing a payment confirmation) create file constituting a receipt in buyers repo.


For outreach to others as part of getting demo together, please just CC the rest of the Bake Off team: Joanna Lehrer: Amy ter Haar, Dazza Greenwood:

akshithg commented 7 years ago

Completed !