Open kohlth opened 7 years ago
Sounds like some very cool concepts, ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Some of the things you mention are implemented by various mods already out and released, like the armor and melted metals casting. What would be cool is 3D printing and drone tech, along with chemistry and particle accelerator stuff. that's just my 2 cents though. Good suggestions, look forward to more.
thank you for the opinion i look forward to seeing what this mod becomes
p.s. typed it all on a phone so sorry for any errors
random ideas 2 : the sequel that actually may be good
i am back for more ideas and i shure do have alot! so lets get right into the show!
**weapons and armaments who doesnt want to shoot plasma!
plasma cannon this weapon fires high energy plasma in a arc that deals insane damage in a aoe and leaves a lingering effect for a few seconds, this divice uses rf and (material to turn into plasma) as its power and ammo. the gun needs to "charge up" to create the plasma material from the solid, once you charge it enuff , just let go and watch as hordes of enemys die in a spendid splash of plasma
gloo gun based off the gun from the new prey game , this "million dollar cauk gun" fires a solidifing foam that can be used for building (cant be picked up even with silk touch and has low mining level) or can be use for stoping enemys by applying a slow effect that stops them in their tracks for around 15 seconds . foam is sythesized and put in canisters
**plasma adapting tool this tool /weapon uses rf to contain plasma in a electromagnetic felid and shape it into diffrent tools and weapons by shift right clicking. this weapon due to the lack of the trouble with solid materials is super deadly and sharp plus the heat of the plasma may burn enemys as well this adaptive plasma tool has a few forms ;hammer, a good aoe mining tool and a good crushing weapon ;blade, cuts thru enemys like butter , literaly
;axe , makes cuting wood a brezze and enemys too
(more posibly ?)maybe just a weapon,
this was part of some
random ideas 2.2 , the small items and power ideas
*ethiric power tap taps insane amounts of power from a plane of pure energy, this can be used for some passive generation in a generator fourm, or can be used as a upgrade /part that allows the use of macheines without having to charge them , but it is a long proces to get a working tap in but its totaly worth it for the good bit of power example uses as upgrade: multitool, overloaded armour, and posibly a few other things
** personal gravity feild generator this divce alows for personal creative fast flight and stops projectiles from hiting you. it could posibly have a pull mode that allows walking on walls and ceilings , and picks up items
2.2.1 continued
whups clicked close and commet on phone 8( sorry
**personal gravity feild gen continued posibly will have a upgrade for that , and a few others for utilitys and the ethiric idea maybe this is a upgrade for the armour?
**personal hyper energy cell this item is a hyper energy (mover? , dont remeber, that can be held and charge items in your inventory from your hyper energy network with a bottle neck to prevent your self from turning into a pool of high energy plasma with the instant movement of millions of rf to a place with no where to go
**gravity compresser and cobble
the cobble gen rapidly produses cobble to be used in the high gravity compresser. this compresses cobble in a near instant to your set goal of compression , the cobble gen is diffrent because it wont probuse cobble unless inventory with space is by it. so no unessisary lag , plus this cobble gen is almost instant at filling inventorys. this is meant for fuliling that cobble fuled reactor and also for crafting recipes
hi there , your probaly wondering what this is or who the heck i am. to start off i am kohlth, the sometimes annoying but tries best not to , ok guy. what this is about , ideas for this mod! so far ive been playing a modpack with this mod and recently found out the potential for this needed end game mod. so here are my ideas for this mod
**note (most ideas are based on more realistic ideas and consepts that make this mod what it is)
expensive mod based materials so a big point see in the ideas section of the wiki is the more expensive cost of theses insane blocks and items, using a liquid version of materials like for example... liquid redstone. to add or extrapolate from that here are some ideas
plasma? making a plasma of a material(s) to infuse it or posibly making plasmas of materials and holding them in cells that a plasma reformer can use and mix ?
energized nether stars? nether stars charged or in some way enegized to max potental and used in certian recipes?
3d molucule printing? use a 3d printer with a atom wide extruder to molucule by molucule make parts or macheines via nano tubes? posibly use stored liquid ? probaly would use rf
**MAIN COMPONETS in this part i will experess ideas on main item and energy ideas, like adding a new power options or storage
S.A.D.S? Self Adapting Densonal Storage are you tired of crafing drives every 20 min to store items from all your end game farms , is all the hassle of worining about complex systems breaking and crashing the world with all the item drops you make with you rediculos farms? well look no further then the S.A.D.S ! this system is your fix to all those problems and more! how does it work? it uses revolutinary new system of making a self expanding pocket dimension simular to a not expanding ender chest. ultilizing a few blocks and rf this system can store almost infinite amouts as long as you have the power to store and acsses them, the best part is that the pocket the items are stored in will never fail as long as you have the (frequiencey ? , resonace ? ) and the power to open, use it and expand it as you dump all the stuff in (including your mom). among that , you also can acsses it wirelessly with a wireless dimensonal acsses terminal, and all of your items will be nice and tidey.. all fpr the cost of OH LORDY THATS EXPENSIVE and for 2X oh lordy that costs alot , you can launch a ender resonading item relay and only have the cost of ocasinaly expanding the pocket without the cost of riping a some what hazardos hole in space time each time you need some cobble stone
space based power! why wait for stupid solar pannels to work in the d day and use boring fuled generators when you can use space?! just strap a kenetic generator or a solar based power gen too a computer guided rocket and watch as you get constant passive power thru the power of end resonating flux pearls for the cost of ITS OVER 9000
**mod conected items and stuff these items are used in other mods to make things a bit easyer or iteresting.
1.high energy liquidiser this structure uses rf to very insanly melt metals for tinkers or other mods for alloying or casting
**small items that make things better theses items may not be end game but they shure do help!
1.carbon nanotube items and armour
**random randomn stuff , fun stuff