CJ-Systems / gitflow-cjs

CJS Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
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git flow release start fails when using -v / --verbose option #3

Open ChrisJStone opened 1 year ago

ChrisJStone commented 1 year ago

When attempting to start a new release with -v or --verbose command fails with following output:

flags:WARN getopt: unrecognized option '--verbose'
 -- '0.0.0' ''
flags:FATAL unable to parse provided options with getopt.

Should support be added for a verbose option? If so what should be listed?

ChrisJStone commented 1 year ago

The underlying cause of this bug has been resolved and pushed to develop. I'm keeping this issue open for now. Once a decision has been reached on if verbose output should be added to release start this will be updated accordingly.