CJ-Systems / gitflow-cjs

CJS Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
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Error install on Rocky Linux 9.4 #86

Open joaomas opened 4 months ago

joaomas commented 4 months ago

After install instructions on Rocky Linux.

Distributor ID: RockyLinux Description: Rocky Linux 9.4 (Blue Onyx) Release: 9.4

Show the erros below:

“install: cannot stat ‘gitflow/gitflow-shFlags’: No such file or directory”

The same report as here - https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/issues/6490


ChrisJStone commented 3 months ago

gitflow-cjs does not use a sub-module for the shflags anymore. Based on the posted issue you are using the installation script from nvie/gitflow and not from this repo.

joaomas commented 3 months ago

@ChrisJStone I follow your instructions from here: https://github.com/CJ-Systems/gitflow-cjs/wiki/Installing-on-Linux,-Unix,-etc.

I followed the manual section, because Rock Linux isn't "Ubuntu" or "Arch".

But OK it's a Linux problem.

ChrisJStone commented 3 months ago

@joaomas This fork of gitflow is developed on linux. So the it's a Linux problem is wrong. This is not a problem with linux at all. Even if this was being installed in git-bash on windows the same issue would have happened.

After reading over (https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/issues/6490) these are the relevant facts that I need to go on:

The installation file was downloaded using the following cmd: curl -OL https://raw.github.com/nvie/gitflow/develop/contrib/gitflow-installer.sh

The username of the account the repository belongs to is nvie. The name of the repository is gitflow

My username is CJ-Systems The name of my fork of gitflow is gitflow-cjs

So if the installation script had actually been downloaded from my repository then the curl command line should have been as follows: curl -OL https://raw.github.com/CJ-Systems/gitflow/devlop/contrib/gitflow-install.sh

Secondly the actual cause of the issue: fatal: clone of ‘git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git’ into submodule path ‘/home/joao/repo/gitflow/shFlags’ failed

This is telling me that git is unable to download the shFlags repository from github as a submodule due to the url being incorrect in the .gitmodules file for the gitflow repository.

As a result this caused the last error message: “install: cannot stat ‘gitflow/gitflow-shFlags’: No such file or directory”

Due to the shFlags not being downloaded the necessary file was not able to be copied over to gitflow-shFlags.

From @mtaschenberger comment the relevant lines are as follows

Cloning repo from GitHub to gitflow Cloning into 'gitflow'... warning: redirecting to https://github.com/nvie/gitflow.git/

Updating submodules Submodule 'shFlags' (git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git) registered for path 'shFlags' Cloning into '/home/ec2-user/gitflow/shFlags'... fatal: unable to connect to github.com: github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

fatal: clone of 'git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git' into submodule path '/home/ec2-user/gitflow/shFlags' failed Failed to clone 'shFlags'. Retry scheduled Cloning into '/home/ec2-user/gitflow/shFlags'... fatal: unable to connect to github.com: github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

fatal: clone of 'git://github.com/nvie/shFlags.git' into submodule path '/home/ec2-user/gitflow/shFlags' failed Failed to clone 'shFlags' a second time, aborting

In this case I do not know how gitflow-installer.sh was downloaded however it is not relevant for resolution of the issue: The cause is obvious. A incorrect url was used to attempt the clone of the shFlags submodule.

Based on the detailed comment that mtaschenberger provided it is clearly obvious to me that for what ever reason in both of these cases gitflow-installer.sh was downloaded from nvie/gitflow and not from CJ-Systems/gitflow-cjs. As a result the gitflow-shFlags file is now a symbolic link to shFlags/src/shFlags. Since a incorrect URL is stored in the .gitmodules file git is unable to download the shFlags repository and the symbolic link is unable to be created.

After looking at both my implementation of gitflow-installer.sh and at nvie's implementation I will agree this is a valid issue with the fork of gitflow as provide at nvie/gitflow. It however is not a valid issue with this fork since I do not use a git submodule and as such the root conditions that caused this issue are unable to exist.